Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Prime Party

(Published on 22. September 2022, 01:17 by Realshaggy)

Follow Classic Sudoku rules. Clues outside the grid give the sum up to (and including) the first prime number or up to (and including) the first nonprime number from that side. (2,3,5,7 are primes. 1,4,6,8,9 are not primes.)



This puzzle was originally published in Glum Hippo's Parity Party Puzzle Pack, which is hard to find nowadays. Also, abed_hawila used the same variant already a year ago. : 5O8

Solution code: Row 7, Column 5.

Solved by Vebby, Greg, ONeill, Jesper, marcmees, SirWoezel, zuzanina, ibag, bansalsaab, StefanSch, Qodec, AvonD, Tilberg, Dentones, abed hawila, Pibonacci, BHUNTER47, glum_hippo, SKORP17, Mody, ManuH, ildiko, pin7guin, Krokant, OhHeyGuysItsMax, ffricke, karen_birgitta, Bankey
Full list


on 23. September 2023, 19:23 by Bankey
Fun puzzle. Thanks, @ Realshaggy :).

on 18. November 2022, 18:54 by pin7guin
Primzahlen sind meine Lieblingszahlen!
Hat Spaß gemacht und ging prima logisch durch.

on 24. September 2022, 08:01 by glum_hippo
Thank you for mentioning the parity party puzzle pack. People can try it here: https://tinyurl.com/HiPPPPack

on 23. September 2022, 12:40 by abed hawila
Excellent puzzle! glad to see this variant again!

on 22. September 2022, 20:42 by Qodec
That was mindbendingly fun! Thanks for setting this!

on 22. September 2022, 18:39 by ibag
Hat Spaß gemacht!

on 22. September 2022, 13:00 by marcmees
nice. thanks.

Rating:95 %
Solved:28 times
Observed:7 times

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