Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Partiti #3

(Published on 21. September 2022, 13:52 by Genomico)

It's been a while since I created puzzles, because I became father of twins :) But I'm back again, starting with this Partiti. Enjoy solving! :)

Rules: Place one or more of the digits 1-9 in each cell, such that the number in the top left corner of some of the cells is the sum of the digit(s) placed in that cell. Digits in a cell must be unique and same digits cannot be placed in cells that touch each other, not even diagonally.

The puzzle is also available on Penpa.

Solution code: All the digits in column 3, followed by column 6 and row 2. Give the digits in ascending order when a cell contains multiple digits.

Solved by Vebby, CJK, Uhu, zorant, moeve, jessica6, marcmees, rimodech, Jesper, polar, misko, Jaych, adam001, ChristJan, ildiko, ManuH, ch1983, Mark Sweep, rubbeng, KlausRG, bakpao, Gotroch, puzzler05
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Rating:92 %
Solved:23 times
Observed:4 times

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