Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Invisible Fortress

(Published on 21. September 2022, 06:13 by JeffWajes)

Invisible Fortress
By Jeff Wajes

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

You must build the outer wall of your fortress: a one-cell wide loop of orthogonally-connected cells that does not touch itself, even diagonally. Each digit on your wall must be greater than all orthogonally adjacent digits off the wall.

Digits in circles are NOT on the wall and indicate how many of the 8 orthogonally and diagonally adjacent cells ARE on the wall. In the set of circled digits, no digit may repeat.

Shaded squares contain even digits (with no other restrictions).

Play on F-puzzles

Play on CTC

Solution code: Column 7

Solved by cristophermoore, OutOfMyMindBRB, Siebuhh, StefanSch, Zombie Hunter, snowyegret
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on 30. September 2022, 11:08 by Zombie Hunter
Fought me to the end. Wonderful puzzle.

on 21. September 2022, 19:15 by cristophermoore
This was great! Lovely spatial logic with multiple aha moments.

Solved:6 times
Observed:9 times

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