That's 3 in the Corners
(Published on 20. September 2022, 18:11 by tsc)
Any resemblance of this wrongly quoted title with a song line from REM which gets in itself quoted wrongly in a well known you tube channel is for sure intentional.
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❶ Toroidal 7x7 Sudoku rules apply: place every digit from 1 to 7 in each row, column and box while two of the boxes are connected via opposite ends of the grid. The upper/lower and the left/right parts are shaping one of those two boxes each
❷ Killer Cages: Digits appearing in cages sum to the number given in the cage. Digits may not repeat within cages
❸ The inequality symbol indicate which digit is greater
- There are some restrictions on 1 and 2s due to the structure of the grid
- Concretely,
the lower left 2x2 cells can neither be 1 or 2. There are even more restrictions like this, hence …
- … due to hidden pairs r4c2 and r5c3 can only be 1 or 2
- To continue it would be nice to color all 1-2 pairs …
- Soft hint:
Consider the title of this puzzle
- Concrete hint:
the corners must contain different digits, otherwise this digit would have to go into r2c4 and r4c2 and hence could not go into the center box (the cross)
- This allows to deduce the upper right 5 cage to a 3/4 and a 1/2 which allows to deduce the 9/cages to 3/4s and 5/6s. It should now look like this:
- The next step requires some sudoku logic around the upper left box.
- The question you should ask is:
what is going into r3c1? For an answer take a look here:
- From there continue colouring ...
- until you reach the center cell r4c4, it should now look like this - the last question is now what color has to go into this cell. Hope you enjoyed the solve!
Solution code: Row 4
Last changed on on 20. September 2022, 20:17
Solved by Xalothros, SKORP17, OhHeyGuysItsMax, halftime, absolutebeginner, cbjenkins, by81996672, GeorgeTheToad, davidjshort, MonsieurTRISTE, ademjaz, efnenu, me0815, derKrampus, SSG, RockyRoer, Felis_Timon, zorant, PippoForte, zrbakhtiar, Crul, sorryimLate, PunkAssNumberBoy, Zuka, me and the paws
on 20. September 2022, 20:17 by tsc
Fixed typo in solution description. Thanks SKORP17 for pointing that out!