Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

That's 3 in the Corners

(Published on 20. September 2022, 18:11 by tsc)

Any resemblance of this wrongly quoted title with a song line from REM which gets in itself quoted wrongly in a well known you tube channel is for sure intentional.

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Toroidal 7x7 Sudoku rules apply: place every digit from 1 to 7 in each row, column and box while two of the boxes are connected via opposite ends of the grid. The upper/lower and the left/right parts are shaping one of those two boxes each
Killer Cages: Digits appearing in cages sum to the number given in the cage. Digits may not repeat within cages
❸ The inequality symbol indicate which digit is greater


  1. There are some restrictions on 1 and 2s due to the structure of the grid
  2. Concretely,
    the lower left 2x2 cells can neither be 1 or 2. There are even more restrictions like this, hence …
  3. … due to hidden pairs r4c2 and r5c3 can only be 1 or 2
  4. To continue it would be nice to color all 1-2 pairs …
  5. Soft hint:
    Consider the title of this puzzle
  6. Concrete hint:
    the corners must contain different digits, otherwise this digit would have to go into r2c4 and r4c2 and hence could not go into the center box (the cross)
  7. This allows to deduce the upper right 5 cage to a 3/4 and a 1/2 which allows to deduce the 9/cages to 3/4s and 5/6s. It should now look like this: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=2fcdeccw
  8. The next step requires some sudoku logic around the upper left box.
  9. The question you should ask is:
    what is going into r3c1? For an answer take a look here: https://tinyurl.com/8bzvhtp6
  10. From there continue colouring ...
  11. until you reach the center cell r4c4, it should now look like this https://f-puzzles.com/?id=2e94vrk5 - the last question is now what color has to go into this cell. Hope you enjoyed the solve!

Solution code: Row 4

Last changed on on 20. September 2022, 20:17

Solved by Xalothros, SKORP17, OhHeyGuysItsMax, halftime, absolutebeginner, cbjenkins, by81996672, GeorgeTheToad, davidjshort, MonsieurTRISTE, ademjaz, efnenu, me0815, derKrampus, SSG, RockyRoer, Felis_Timon, zorant, PippoForte, zrbakhtiar, Crul, sorryimLate, PunkAssNumberBoy, Zuka, me and the paws
Full list


on 20. September 2022, 20:17 by tsc
Fixed typo in solution description. Thanks SKORP17 for pointing that out!

Rating:91 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:11 times

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