Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 19. September 2022, 02:41 by panthchesh)

This is a collaboration between Montinox and me.

Normal Sudoku Rules Apply

Killer Cage Rules: Digits in a cage sum to the small total in the corner of the cage.

This puzzle can be solved two different ways.

Version 1) Entropic:

All diagonals in the grid act as either entropic lines or isoentropic lines:

Entropic Lines- Any set of three sequential cells along an entropic line must contain a low digit (1,2,3), a middle digit (4,5,6), and a high digit (7,8,9)

Isoentropic Lines: All digits along the line must be made up from only one entropic group (123, 456, or 789)

Version 2) Modular:

All diagonals in the puzzle are either Modular or unimodular

Modular lines: every set of three sequential digits along a line must contain a complete set of residues modulo 3, i.e. one digit from {1,4,7}, one from {2,5,8}, and one from {3,6,9}.

Unimodular Lines: All digits along the line are made up from only one modular group (147, 258, or 369)

For both versions, Digits may repeat on a diagonal if allowed by other rules.

F-Puzzles     Sudokupad

Solution code: Row 3 of version 1 followed by Row 3 of version 2.

Last changed on on 19. September 2022, 02:47

Solved by ScatterBrain, Vebby, dhdydg, dumediat, PippoForte, Montinox, sockerbecca
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on 8. August 2024, 17:17 by sockerbecca
After solving it, I can confirm: it was really cool ^^

on 8. August 2024, 16:04 by sockerbecca
This seems really cool! I haven't solved it yet, I just wanted to let you know I spotted a typo in the rules on Sudokupad. In one place, it says "anti-entropic" instead of "isoentropic" :)

Last changed on 17. October 2022, 03:43

on 17. October 2022, 02:31 by dumediat
Very neat puzzle idea, I enjoyed the global logic this created very much! I found the break-in idea a bit difficult to spot, but once I did it flowed very smoothly. Thank you for sharing!

PanthChesh: Thank you!! :)

on 17. October 2022, 01:41 by dumediat
Very neat puzzle idea, I enjoyed the global logic this created very much! I found the break-in idea a bit difficult to spot, but once I did it flowed very smoothly. Thank you for sharing!

on 19. September 2022, 02:47 by panthchesh
I needed to make sure I give credit to my co-creator, Montinox!

on 19. September 2022, 02:43 by panthchesh
Sorry for the delay in posting puzzles. I try to post once a month, but I hurt my back quite badly last month and was not able to post a new puzzle. I do hope you enjoy this one! It's really not as hard as it seems :)

Solved:7 times
Observed:8 times

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