Chess Sudoku - White to move, Mate in 2 moves
(Published on 18. September 2022, 18:45 by Ore)
This is an experimental puzzle that combines sudoku and chess.
Normal 8x8 sudoku rules apply.
Two cells that are a chess knight's move apart can not contain the same digits.
Normal chess rules apply.
Each coloured cell in the grid represents a chess piece.
Green cells = white pieces
Yellow cells = black pieces
A digit in a coloured cell represents a type of a piece:
1 = King
2 = Queen
3 = Rook
4 = Bishop
5 = Knight
6 = Knight
7 = Pawn
8 = Pawn
Find a solution: What is the white player's move to mate in 2 moves?
Solve online:
Use a chess board if needed:
This is an example of sudoku-chess transformation.
Solution code: The original coordinate and the final coordinate of the moved piece (4 characters in total, e.g. "c2f5")
Last changed on on 18. September 2022, 19:28
Solved by Guillem98, Steven R, e5ten, Mrtn, drbs, zeneszerzo, ohammersmith, Statistica, Hydalin, PippoForte, widjo
on 26. January 2023, 00:26 by Felis_Timon
Solved the Sudoku but could not finish the chess problem
on 7. November 2022, 22:39 by Ore
Thanks everyone for solving and commenting :-)
on 21. September 2022, 20:44 by Hydalin
I don't want to spoil too much, but that was not so easy! Needs all the rules and a bit of chess understanding to solve the puzzle. Solution requires only the first of white's two mating moves.
Thanks for that puzzle - it took me several attempts, didn't pay enough attention as it seems
on 20. September 2022, 07:51 by Statistica
Sehr hübsche Idee.
on 19. September 2022, 16:25 by drbs
The mate in two moves with the Zugzwang key move is very aesthetic.