Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 11. September 2022, 14:38 by Dag H)

Congratulations, you've rolled a yahtzee! But oh no, you seem to have unfolded and misplaced all your dice. Can you find them?


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Around the grid are five non-overlapping, unfolded, six-sided dice in (rotations of) the same shape. One of these dice is the given cage - it is up to you to find the other four.

Each die contains the digits 1-6 once each. When folded back up, every pair of directly opposing digits must sum to seven.

The "middle" square of each die (row 5, column 5 for the given die) is the number you rolled - they must all contain the same digit.

Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. All white dots are entirely within a die.

Digits separated by an X sum to ten. Every X separates a die square from a non-die square.

The digits separated by a V sum to five.

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Sven's Web App (CtC)

Solution code: Row 2

Solved by nunc, Steinway1867, SKORP17, PippoForte, Felis_Timon, Kirra
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Last changed on 12. September 2022, 00:17

on 11. September 2022, 19:51 by nunc
Very nice setting. Thank you very much!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed!

Solved:6 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Hexominoes

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