Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Great Wall

(Published on 9. September 2022, 07:42 by tesseralis)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Draw a one cell-wide snake (the Great Wall) that passes through each box exactly once and cannot touch itself orthogonally. Digits on the Wall must be greater than orthogonally connected digits not on the wall. Each given digit indicates the number of cells in that digit's box that are on the Wall.

There are nine "guard towers" along the Wall, one in each row, column, and box. Each guard tower contains a different digit from 1-9, and the Wall must visit each of the guard towers in ascending order.

F-puzzles SudokuPad

Solution code: Rows 1 and 8

Solved by SirWoezel, Jesper, Mrtn, filuta, Dentones, deltameth, henrypijames, DadJokes, Raumplaner, flatbread, KNT, Skeime, Myxo, RJBlarmo, tinounou, Gnosis66, Silverstep, codewizard, yynb2022, lars, ... polar, Christounet, rmn, Paletron, lerroyy, sugardude, SXH, singularity emerging, liushong, jinkela114514, yangduoxing, DaleVandermeer, forest117, h5663454, wzzero, IYD, zhangjinyang, steeto
Full list


on 13. July 2023, 22:11 by Christounet
Wonderful ! The fortress logic at the end stalled me a bit, but finding out the missing piece that unlocked everything was so satisfying. Thanks :)

on 3. December 2022, 03:30 by Selenotropism
Very satisfying puzzle, I liked this a lot!

on 8. November 2022, 09:51 by RubberMittens
Break in was hard. Rest of puzzle was bumpy for me but logical and I didn't quite come up on any serious speed bumps along the way.

on 28. September 2022, 13:13 by Silverstep
Brilliant idea, great geometry logic AND great fortress logic afterwards. Possibly on the low end of 4/5 difficulty.

Last changed on 10. September 2022, 13:07

on 10. September 2022, 13:07 by Raumplaner
Very nice puzzle. Challenging and rewarding solvepath with very clean deductions. Seems like a perfect puzzle for a rainy sunday morning. Many thanks for sharing!

Last changed on 10. September 2022, 11:42

on 10. September 2022, 07:43 by deltameth
Wow, wonderful fuzzle! I got some stuck in the middle but finally made it which was very rewarding.
Thanks for persevering! ~tess

Last changed on 10. September 2022, 04:45

on 10. September 2022, 03:45 by DadJokes
Great puzzle! Quite a difficult break in for me, but when you finally get it, it is super rewarding.
thank you! it was a pleasure watching skunkworks solve it :) ~tess

Last changed on 10. September 2022, 00:09

on 9. September 2022, 18:26 by filuta
Fun puzzle with a very inventive break-in.
Glad you liked it filuta! ~tess

Last changed on 10. September 2022, 00:08

on 9. September 2022, 17:30 by Jesper
Really fun puzzle, thanks!
Thanks jesper! ~tess

Last changed on 10. September 2022, 00:08

on 9. September 2022, 11:49 by SirWoezel
That's pretty amazing. An absoutely brilliant puzzle!
Thank you! ~tess

Rating:98 %
Solved:43 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle variant Path puzzle

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