Solution code: Column 5
on 27. September 2022, 01:42 by Orpheus
This deserves a rating in the 90s. The beginning has a lot of really obvious conclusions which made me feel like it was going to be a quick walk, but it was followed by a bunch of really nice little logical pathways. I really enjoyed it. And,.. if you can't tell, I decided to talk a little walk through the puzzles you've posted. You're a very talented setter. Keep it up, you've got a fan in me.
---Thank you a lot for the kind words! Anyway I'm still a newbie, so I wasn't expecting exceptional ratings :)
on 10. September 2022, 20:15 by Ryx
I usually gauge difficulty on how many times I have to restart the puzzle. This was one restart, so two stars for me ;-)
on 7. September 2022, 23:48 by S4K
TBH, it is super easy xD
Took me less than 20 mins
on 7. September 2022, 16:24 by nunc
Nice and easy. Perfect for a little distraction after a long day's work. Thanks.
on 7. September 2022, 11:39 by peep50183
Nice puzzle :)
on 7. September 2022, 00:06 by Perladel
Removed the comment about the puzzle being super easy. Sorry
on 6. September 2022, 23:54 by jorgenunez
I agree with Big Tiger. It wasn't that easy. Not too difficult, but 2 stars definitely. And really fun.
on 6. September 2022, 22:55 by Big Tiger
Maybe I'm just not that bright, but I wouldn't go with "super" easy - I gave it two stars.