Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 6. September 2022, 04:22 by DadJokes)


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Little Killer: Digits along diagonals pointed to by arrows outside the grid must sum to the number listed. Digits may repeat along the diagonal if otherwise allowed by normal Sudoku rules.
  • Blind Snake Sums: Clues outside of the grid indicate that a snake starts in the cell next to it. Snakes must travel from the top of the grid to the bottom of the grid and will only touch the top and bottom once each. The sum of each of the digits on the snake will equal the clue total. All snakes have the same length and this length must be determined by the solver. Digits may repeat on snakes if allowed by other rules.
  • Snakes: Snakes are a collection of orthogonally adjacent cells that do not branch and do not touch themselves. Snakes cannot share a common cell (no intersecting cells).

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Solution code: Row 2 from left to right

Last changed on on 6. September 2022, 04:24

Solved by Leonard Hal, sasheo, marcmees, DaleVandermeer, fjam, Philpo
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on 7. September 2022, 15:39 by sasheo
Thank you, DadJokes for that gem! Marvelous puzzle! Devilishly well set!
I’d love to watch Simon struggle with this one! (It's at least 4/5 imho)
The logic is very beautiful and it’s not that hard to make a false assumption and reach a dead end.
Solve with caution! :D

on 7. September 2022, 15:23 by marcmees
only the 54 snake proved to be poisonous. thanks for the puzzle.

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Observed:8 times

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