Normal sudoku rules apply. The low digits (1, 2, 3), middle digits (4, 5, 6) and high digits (7, 8, 9) are defined as three different strata. Two digits from the same strata may not touch orthogonally.
Solution code: Row 4 followed by Row 7
on 12. February 2023, 00:08 by MarthaB
Fun puzzle. Thank you.
Reply: Thank you MarthaB!
on 31. August 2022, 04:04 by n122333
First attempt at an variant sudoku, 27:08, very fun!
Reply: I'm honored. Thank you very much! :)
on 30. August 2022, 20:43 by Hecspeed
A very nice and fun coloring puzzle. The interactions with the sudoku part were cute.
Reply: Thank you Hecspeed!
on 29. August 2022, 22:05 by asp1310
Too soon! But great puzzle/ruleset!
Reply: Thank you asp1310!