Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Min-Max Quads

(Published on 30. August 2022, 16:00 by AParliamentofOwls)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Digits mustn't repeat in cages. Digits in corner clues must appear in the adjacent cells at least once. The white dot marks consecutive digits.

Every quadruple clue in every box marks the quadruples with the highest and lowest sum in the box. The number in the quadruple clue is the lowest number of a "maxi-druple" or the highest number of a "mini-druple".

Example: if the quadruple clue reads 5, then the quadruple might be the lowest quad sum in the box, with 5 being the highest digit, or it's the highest quad sum of the box, with 5 being the lowest digit.


Solution code: row 8 and column 7

Solved by Jacsn, kublai, belfieldtj, Dermerlin, Bjd, JuhaK, PippoForte, Harold, Felis_Timon, Carolin, Saskia, ParaNox, geronimo92
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Rating:86 %
Solved:13 times
Observed:9 times

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