Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 24. August 2022, 03:00 by XeonRisq)

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Killer Cages : Numbers cannot repeat in a cage and must sum to the given total in the top left corner.
  • Anti-Ratio : Orthogonally adjacent cells cannot contain digits in a 2:1 ratio.
  • F-puzzles link - link to solve online
  • CtC link - link to solve online

Solution code: Row 7 followed by Column 8

Last changed on -

Solved by Greg, rmahus, apendleton, explodingsnail, jalebc, Bjd, marcmees, MonsieurTRISTE, S4K, pepu273, Ragna, AvonD, kjholt, Fedo , Netra, achim-t, nordloc, Franjo, Marcos, SKORP17, Jesper, thoughtbyte, ... Paquet Voleur, RockyRoer, lutzreimer, yeeko, Carolin, zrbakhtiar, dingledork, juddimal, morgannamodeaura, trashghost, pepe74287, Montikulum, GhTheOne, mezkur7, augsod, Elliott810, Jodelbanane
Full list


Last changed on 28. March 2023, 22:17

on 25. March 2023, 20:25 by Paquet Voleur
From the comments I went thinking that the break-in was the hard part of this puzzle. It turned out that what took me the longest is to read, understand and remember the ruleset. ¯_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Once I figured that part out, and since the break-in was already identified by then, everything rolled quite quickly. Thanks for this fun puzzle.
It should be fairly telegraphed where to look to get going in this one, but you do have to give a bit of thought on how things work once your focus is there. Thanks for the detailed feedback, and glad you enjoyed the puzzle.

Last changed on 18. September 2022, 03:08

on 1. September 2022, 22:29 by Orpheus
This was great fun. I am sad to admit that the break-in eluded me for far longer than it should have. Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks for giving the puzzle a spin. And don't be sad about the break-in elusiveness, it's at least a bit tricky to see depending on the approach taken. Glad you had fun, and appreciate the feedback.

Last changed on 26. August 2022, 14:44

on 25. August 2022, 19:51 by Snookerfan
Very nice break-in! Thank you for the fun puzzle
Appreciate the solve and kind words, glad you enjoyed the puzzle!

Last changed on 25. August 2022, 17:48

on 25. August 2022, 06:02 by 10feet
Fun break-in. Thanks!
Thanks, I thought it made for an interesting concept for a puzzle. Thanks for giving the puzzle a go and the feedback.

Last changed on 25. August 2022, 17:47

on 24. August 2022, 22:52 by DaniK
Cool and fun puzzle!
Glad you enjoyed it.

Last changed on 24. August 2022, 16:30

on 24. August 2022, 03:55 by kjholt
For some reason although when I open the CtC link the puzzle opens as normal in the browser, when I try to save and open it in the actual SudokuPad app, the cages are missing. Anybody have a fix? I can just outline them myself but very weird.
I can't replicate your issue, but I can make you a new link with cosmetic cages instead of normal ones, see if this works:
That worked but the original also suddenly had cages when I reopened the app this morning! So it must have just needed to be restarted for whatever reason. Thanks!

Rating:94 %
Solved:90 times
Observed:11 times

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