Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tied up Ends

(Published on 24. August 2022, 03:44 by AParliamentofOwls)

Normal, diagonal, thermo, killer and kropki Sudoku rules apply.

Diagonals: Digits along the marked diagonals mustn't repeat.
Thermo: Digits on thermometers rise from the bulb end.
Kropki: Black dots mark cells in a 1:2 ratio. Not all dots are given.
Killer: Digits in cages sum to the number in the corner and mustn't repeat.

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Solution code:

Row 1 and column 7, no spaces

Solved by Markyboy, jalebc, fuxia, davidjshort, Greg, Ambrose, belfieldtj, jimblek, Matti64, minus2ev, S4K, Miaocik, atomium, peep50183, solidvoid, Remman, VeTaurus, Ragna, m0rkoli, Harold, XhcnoirX, cdwg2000, ... 1277885105, jchan18, MoHaMeD05, zrbakhtiar, Carolin, josemadre, Saskia, abadx, vlin, Just me, jogerth, dingledork, Crul, Lovejoy , pepe74287, Montikulum, Kekes, Thomster, Overhead, The Bard
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Rating:89 %
Solved:140 times
Observed:10 times

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