Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

LM 2022 Leftover: Teilchenzoo

(Published on 30. August 2022, 20:22 by lupo)

Draw a continuous particle beam that runs along the edges of the cells or diagonally through the cells. At the grid points, the beam either goes straight or turns at right angles. At the points marked with a cross, the ray crosses and runs straight through the crossing in each case. Otherwise, the ray does not touch itself. At the points marked with an asterisk, the beam splits; this always occurs symmetrically in the direction of travel with an opening angle of 90°. The entry point and all exit points as well as all splitting and crossing points are already given. The numbers on the left and above indicate how many segments of the ray cross the corresponding line or column; the numbers on the right and below indicate the number of turning points lying along the corresponding line.

Solution code: The unspecified clue numbers on the left and right, each from top to bottom (18 numbers).

Last changed on -

Solved by moeve, ibag, CJK, polar, tuace, jessica6, ffricke, Zzzyxas, explodingsnail, Joe Average, moss, rimodech, pandiani42
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on 31. August 2022, 16:16 by ffricke
Super Rätsel, allerdings hab ich schon einige Versuche gebraucht, bis ich endlich alle Bedingungen erfüllt hatte.

on 31. August 2022, 11:37 by tuace
@jessica6: Nein.

on 31. August 2022, 10:38 by jessica6
Gilt der Stern, wo sich der Strahl aufteilt, auch als Knickpunkt?

on 30. August 2022, 21:58 by moeve
Wie schon gewohnt ein sehr schönes Leftover -- und wenn man rechts von oben unterscheiden kann, klappt es auch mit der Lösungscodeeingabe... ;)

Rating:100 %
Solved:13 times
Observed:4 times

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