Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Now Focus On Me

(Published on 20. August 2022, 18:37 by AParliamentofOwls)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Normal Kropki and VX rules apply.

(Black kropki dots indicate a ratio of 1:2, white dots mark consecutive digits. cells marked with a V sum to 5, those marked with an X sum to 10)

Hidden in the grid is a set of the digits 1-9, one digit in every box. For that set, the negative constraint of the above mentioned rules apply (if there is no X, the cells mustn't sum to 10, etc.). All given hints center around those cells.


Solution code: Column 9 and row 6, no spaces

Solved by efnenu, henter, SKORP17, Myreque, MasterFocus, achim-t, cbattles, PippoForte, Felis_Timon, Carolin, NIGHTCRAULER, geronimo92, SSG, ParaNox, zrbakhtiar, Crul, Montikulum, chain.reader
Full list


on 7. April 2024, 12:20 by chain.reader
weird, but nice.
the last rule may be initially confusing, but the set (it is a set) forces itself to emerge easily enough.

on 20. August 2022, 23:11 by AParliamentofOwls
@efnenu Thank you so much :) Glad you enjoyed it

on 20. August 2022, 19:42 by efnenu
Had to go through the rules a few times till I caught that last sentence. Then it all went smoothly (the order in which the set unfolds is lovely!). Thank you for this neat puzzle!

on 20. August 2022, 19:28 by AParliamentofOwls
@SKORP17 Damit ist gemeint, dass jede dieser 9 Ziffern unterschiedlich ist

Rating:75 %
Solved:18 times
Observed:9 times

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