Countdown to Launch
1. Normal sudoku rules apply.
2. Cages: Digits in cages sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage.
3. Palindromes: The grey lines are palindrome lines. Digits on the line read the same from either end.
4. Thermometers: Digits on thermometers increase from the bulb.
5. Non-Consecutive Constraint: Orthogonally-connected cells cannot be consecutive.
Solve on f-puzzles Solve on CTCPlease Enjoy!
Solution code: Column 1 and Column 9, no spaces.
on 11. February 2024, 09:30 by greyden
Added CTC Link
on 15. September 2022, 19:34 by Uhu
@Ryx: In box5, you marked two cells with a number, but you didn't eliminate it in the other cells of this specific row.
on 15. September 2022, 19:32 by Ryx
What am I missing? I see this is definitely a 1 star puzzle, folks say it is easy, but I get to this point and seem stuck. I've restarted a couple times, over the past couple weeks, but always get to this point and have no clue what I am missing, that should be easy.
Do you have a hint for me?
@ Uhu - Thank you for the hint, but it fell on blind eyes ;-) I decided to start over, using the CTC app, so I could color things more completely. But before I really needed that, I think I stumbled into the proper solve path and voila, it was pretty easy.
Thank you for the puzzle and the help!
on 27. August 2022, 05:15 by apendleton
Not difficult, but still very satisfying!
on 15. August 2022, 11:37 by Sujay
very cute puzzle for beginners like myself. thx a lot