This is a puzzle in which all the cages (which form a spiral) sum to five times the number of cells they contain - hence "useless cages". In fact this is a rather severe constraint and solvers should find that more is given than is apparent on the surface. It may be a little tougher than a 2*.
Puzzle rules
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
In cages digits may not repeat and sum to the total in the top left corner of the cage.
On thermometers, digits increase from the bulb end.
Here is the SudokuPad link: Useless cages
Here is a link on F-Puzzles: Useless cages
Solution code: Row 9
on 15. March 2024, 23:33 by Fool on Hill
Change link to one with embedded solution
on 3. June 2023, 15:01 by jpegggggggg
A beautiful puzzle,very interesting logic!
on 15. August 2022, 12:03 by cpx86
Very enjoyable puzzle, and an interesting concept too :)
on 14. August 2022, 12:53 by greyden
A beautiful puzzle. Thank you for setting it. More challenging than I expected, but quite enjoyable.
on 11. August 2022, 22:58 by 3ffer
Thank you for setting this lovely puzzle.
on 11. August 2022, 03:55 by taylorsc
That was a very nice puzzle! I think two stars is about right.
on 9. August 2022, 21:22 by Fool on Hill
Correct F-Puzzles link