Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hey, Are You Awake?

(Published on 7. August 2022, 22:06 by mathpesto)

Fittingly, I worked on this over the course of many nights when I should have been sleeping! It's my first time incorporating heyawake rules into a puzzle; I had a lot of fun constructing it and I hope you have fun solving it! If you'd like any hints, feel free to post a hidden comment below or message me on Discord.


Place the digits 0–8 in the grid so that no digit repeats in a row, column, or region. Each cell belongs to a rectangular region, which can be made up of 1–9 cells. A number in the top-left corner of a cell gives the sum of the digits in that cell’s region. A digit in a circle gives the number of shaded cells in that cell’s region. A digit in a square gives the sum of the shaded cells in that cell's region. Shaded cells may not be orthogonally adjacent, and non-shaded cells form a single orthogonally connected area. A straight line of connected non-shaded cells may not span across more than two regions.

I created a reference sheet for killer sudoku sums for the digits 0 through 8. If you'd like to use it while solving, click here.

Solve on SudokuPad


Solution code: The digits of the shaded cells in Rows 1, 2, 3, and 4 (left to right, no spaces)

Solved by mnasti2, RJBlarmo, cdwg2000, Dentones, crispy16, bansalsaab, Mody, zeneszerzo, flatbread, jkuo7, Elliptical, zuzanina, tinounou, MagnusJosefsson, OGRussHood, misko, Jesper, polar, Bellsita, Lavender Gooms, akodi, dogfarts, Vebby, rmn, Jaych, widjo, MartinR, Counterfeitly, Leonard Hal, h5663454, Agent, nottabird, KevinTheMH, SudokuHero
Full list


on 8. July 2023, 13:36 by MartinR
This has been on my list to come back to for a while, as I kept getting close but breaking it. Eventually worked out the incorrect assumption I was making - I have a weakness for puzzles that include zeros :) - and was satisfying to finally complete!

on 1. January 2023, 19:48 by akodi
This was very nice and very challenging. And solvable by logic... step by step, no trial and error necessary! If I hadn't made so many mistakes on the way :D

on 27. August 2022, 13:50 by polar
Beautiful construction - thanks!

on 27. August 2022, 13:17 by Jesper
Great puzzle, thanks!

on 17. August 2022, 11:40 by MagnusJosefsson
Wonderful combination that was smooth and enjoyable throughout!

Last changed on 9. August 2022, 15:22

on 9. August 2022, 13:22 by zeneszerzo
Very nice construction! I'm experienced in Heyawake, but not very strong in Sudoku, so this took me exactly 100 minutes to solve. My favorite deduction was R6C4.


@zeneszerzo: Thanks so much -Math Pesto

Last changed on 9. August 2022, 15:21

on 9. August 2022, 09:52 by Mody
Großartig. Es hat mir viel Spaß gemacht.
Great. I had a lot of fun.


@Mody: Glad to hear it :) -Math Pesto

Last changed on 9. August 2022, 15:20

on 8. August 2022, 14:59 by crispy16
A brilliant combination of sudoku and heyawake


@crispy16: Thank you so much! -Math Pesto

Last changed on 9. August 2022, 15:19

on 8. August 2022, 09:52 by RJBlarmo
Very fun puzzle! Pretty challenging in my opinion but this is also my first time trying a heyawake type puzzle.


Thanks! :) -Math Pesto

Rating:97 %
Solved:34 times
Observed:7 times

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