Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

C.C. Geass

(Published on 8. August 2022, 04:00 by lerroyy)

I swapped the row and column in the solution code, sorry. It is fixed now.

The difficulty should be around 4-4.5. I hope you'll enjoy!


Place the digits 1 to 9 once in every region, row and column. The regions must be found.

Digits separated by a dot/diamond are in different region

Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive

Digits separated by a black dot have a ratio 1:2

Digits separated by a black diamond have a ratio 1:3

Digits/ numbers outside the grid give the sum of the digits until the first edge

Solve on penpa

Solution code: column 2 row 7

Last changed on on 10. October 2022, 21:07

Solved by ICHTUES, Playmaker6174, marcmees, KNT, Myxo, JayForty, polar, Gryllulus, jkuo7, the_cogito, AvonD, zlotnleo, Elliptical, wenchang, Agent, cdwg2000, peacherwu2, RandallPepperidge, laky, pippilotta, ... Jesper, MagnusJosefsson, misko, Vebby, Sonjas, bansalsaab, yynb2022, davidagg, ONeill, PrimeWeasel, Christounet, Uhu, h5663454, SXH, Saskia, dogfarts, Paletron, steeto, han233ing, by81996672
Full list


on 25. April 2023, 07:53 by Christounet
Excellent CC, just the right dose of everything ! Thanks !

on 18. March 2023, 01:06 by PrimeWeasel
Terrific C.C. Loads of fun!

Last changed on 10. October 2022, 21:19

on 10. October 2022, 20:41 by Phistomefel
I have a question regarding the rules: Is it possible to have two-digit numbers outside of the grid? You only wrote about "digits outside the grid", so I was wondering.

Yes, you can have two digit numbers outside the grid. I'll clarify it in the rules.
I see. Thank you for the quick reply! :)

on 5. October 2022, 07:09 by Vebby
Exceptionally good!

on 15. August 2022, 17:06 by Mody
Schwer, aber schön.
Hard, but beautiful

on 12. August 2022, 04:17 by RandallPepperidge
Absolutley unbelievable

on 11. August 2022, 19:59 by wenchang
It is a great puzzle. I share my solving! Spoiler alert!

on 11. August 2022, 05:42 by Agent
Lots of clever and elegant deductions in this puzzle, thanks!

on 9. August 2022, 01:38 by JayForty
Great puzzle! Very smooth and fun, thank you!

on 8. August 2022, 13:12 by marcmees
very nice. thanks

on 8. August 2022, 12:49 by Playmaker6174
Lots of fun and cool deductions scattered throughout the solve with an interesting ending, enjoyed it a lot :)

on 8. August 2022, 10:33 by lerroyy
I swapped the row and the column in the solution code sorry

on 8. August 2022, 07:32 by ICHTUES
The solution code is first c2 then r7

on 8. August 2022, 04:51 by KNT
I've solved the puzzle (I think?) but the solution code doesn't seem to work. I can provide an image if you would like?

Rating:99 %
Solved:44 times
Observed:9 times

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