Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

LM 2022 Leftover: Yagit

(Published on 17. August 2022, 20:22 by lupo)

The diagram is to be divided into areas along the grid lines. A region may contain either only circles or only squares (but not both); empty regions are not allowed. The lines forming the area boundaries begin and end at the edge of the diagram, may turn at right angles in the black dots (but nowhere else), and may cross each other in all grid points except the black dots. Not all black points need to be used.

Solution code: For each area that touches the outer edge, the number of cells it consists of. Starting from the top left, clockwise.

Last changed on -

Solved by Siebuhh, jessica6, Jesper, ibag, Dandelo, tuace, Statistica, ffricke, CJK, moeve, adam001, ildiko, r45, misko, zuzanina, rimodech, chrisbee2, moss, ch1983, pin7guin, zhergan, Mark Sweep, Raistlen
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on 18. August 2022, 09:00 by Statistica
Super. Hat mir sogar besser gefallen als das bei der LM.

on 17. August 2022, 20:42 by tuace
Da ist es wieder... das Yagit... ;)))

Rating:95 %
Solved:23 times
Observed:5 times

Standard puzzle Dissection puzzle

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