Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Caged Construction

(Published on 7. August 2022, 08:13 by asdfqwerguy)

I made this puzzle a while ago, I'm just posting it now. (also this was my first attempt at a CC puzzle, so it's kinda bad)

Place the digits 1-5 once in each row, column, region. The 5 orthogonally connected regions have to be determined by the solver. Digits in cages cannot repeat and have to sum to the number in the top left corner (if given). Cells in a cage must be in different regions. The diagonal that the arrow is pointing at must sum to the number given.


Solution code: Row 2 and Row 4 (10 digits, no spaces)

Last changed on on 7. August 2022, 09:15

Solved by mobiustrip, Guillem98, derKrampus, marcmees, PrimeWeasel, MasterFocus, Jesper, Playmaker6174, mrgadget, bernhard, Steven R, Cypher, pippilotta, efnenu, ricola, absolutebeginner, akial, MacGamer, ... One Eyed Man, dogfarts, Nytheris, Thomster, humaLautema, TitaniaLowe, Dez256, geswat, LachyDachy, radium, Kekes, tretro, steeto, drifting, TryingMyBest, happyteo, The Bard, zZype, AndresI
Full list


on 28. July 2023, 14:12 by Montikulum
I quite enjoyed it. However, for clarification sake, I would suggest to change part of the rules to “ALL cells in a cage must be in different regions.” That was not clear (to me) when first reading the rules.

on 16. January 2023, 08:37 by zrbakhtiar
not bad at all

on 12. August 2022, 21:46 by kinnison
My very first CC ever, you might think it's bad but I think it was fun!

on 7. August 2022, 09:15 by asdfqwerguy
Fixed f-puzzles link.

Last changed on 7. August 2022, 09:15

on 7. August 2022, 08:40 by Guillem98
the f-puzzles link is not correct, at least it does not coincide with the image given in logicmasters

-should be fixed now

Rating:80 %
Solved:150 times
Observed:7 times

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