Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Diamonds Aren't Forever

(Published on 3. August 2022, 04:24 by Chefofdeath)

Diamonds Aren’t Forever

This is a variant sudoku puzzle.


1. Normal sudoku rules apply.

2. Digits in a cage must sum to the given total.

3. Digits outside the grid represent the sum of the digits that appear between 1 and 9 in that row/column.

4. Digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb end.

5. Cells with arrows pointing in must be smaller than all adjacent digits. Cells with arrows pointing out must be larger than all adjacent digits.

F-Puzzle link CTC link

Solution code: Row 3 and Row 7, no spaces

Last changed on on 4. August 2022, 00:01

Solved by FlareglooM, SKORP17, jalebc, zorant, ScatterBrain, Imperial Marcher, beesquestionmark, Kworb, tobymgk, henter, absolutebeginner, VeTaurus, AvonD, SenatorGronk, Isa, achim-t, Banana, DasBooch, nyxie, ... SirWoezel, PseudoCoup, Felis_Timon, PinkNickels, 8bitlemon, fca.felix.sudoku, vmirandaa, Crul, Askloomok, zrbakhtiar, ManuH, FlashZange, dingledork, asii, Kekes, Lodinn, Montikulum, Carolin
Full list


on 6. August 2022, 02:34 by taylorsc
I absolutely loved that one! Thanks for setting it.

on 4. August 2022, 00:01 by Chefofdeath
Updated solution code

Last changed on 3. August 2022, 21:25

on 3. August 2022, 21:24 by SKORP17
Row 3 und 7 ist der erwartete Lösungscode, bitte Beschreibung anpassen

Last changed on 3. August 2022, 21:15

on 3. August 2022, 21:14 by FlareglooM
Dear Chefofdeath, the solution code I entered was row 3 and row 7, not row 4 and row 7 as stated in the puzzle. I think an additional correction is required.
Thank you for the puzzle.

on 3. August 2022, 20:53 by Chefofdeath
Updated solution code (mistyped)

Rating:93 %
Solved:58 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant Variant combination New Special knowledge Beginners

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