Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

159 Renban

(Published on 2. August 2022, 03:21 by mathpesto)


Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits on a purple line form a set of consecutive digits (in any order). A digit in column 1 indicates the column in which the digit 1 appears in that row. Columns 5 and 9 have the same rule for the digits 5 and 9 respectively. (For example, an 8 in R7C1 tells you there's a 1 in R7C8. A 3 in R2C5 tells you there's a 5 in R2C3.)

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Solution code: Rows 4 and 5 (no spaces, 18 digits)

Solved by Dermerlin, pastini, Jagga, davidjshort, annatollar, jorgenunez, apendleton, jimblek, henter, pepu273, AN_not_IO, efnenu, tenaliraman, marcmees, flo_310, Franjo, Julianl, SirWoezel, jkuo7, IAM3, Bjd, ... josemadre, zhergan, Jodelbanane, pepe74287, Bulkystapler, asii, Snaques, Ploctypus, goodcity, Montikulum, ark29, jadezki, Calesch, antzervos, SudokuHero, susadoraku, MysticMan, augsod, sandmoppe
Full list


on 8. September 2022, 06:45 by wooferzfg
Very nice!

Last changed on 3. September 2022, 08:56

on 3. September 2022, 08:56 by katy.lanka
Thank you. Took me while to break in but once I had my lightbulb moment it all flowed from there in a beautifully signposted solve path. Very enjoyable and satisfying.

on 16. August 2022, 02:58 by Bananaman
So much logic to ge started.. :)

on 2. August 2022, 17:50 by Christounet
Quite an easy puzzle for a grid that looks so empty. 159 is a really powerful constraint. Thanks.

on 2. August 2022, 15:40 by Playmaker6174
Really weird how I kept misunderstanding the way the renban lines in col 5 works, but quite a funny flow as well :)

Rating:92 %
Solved:121 times
Observed:10 times

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