Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Triangle Wave

(Published on 1. August 2022, 00:13 by thoughtbyte)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Additionally:

1. Antiknight: cells that are a chess knight's move apart may not contain the same digit.

2. German whispers: digits along green lines must differ from their neighbor on the line by at least five.

3. Ratio pairs: cells separated by black dots have a 1:2 ratio. Not all dots are necessarily given.

F-Puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=2yyqchdo

CTC: https://tinyurl.com/trianglewave

Solution code: Row 1, row 3.

Solved by SKORP17, manushand, jalebc, bansalsaab, apendleton, me0815, Dentones, Bjd, henter, zorant, Gryllulus, avahales, ___, MartinR, zegres, mashton, AvonD, Isa, glippiglop, rey, zhall12570, PippoForte, ... ricola, ohammersmith, slowbiex, Servantes135, lovely, ghosting, synth, Vebby, AN_not_IO, karen_birgitta, snowyegret, morgannamodeaura, Krokant, humaLautema, plica, jadezki, IYD, snuuba, annnz
Full list


on 2. August 2024, 20:54 by snuuba
Enjoyed it a lot, thanks for sharing.

CtC link with solution:

on 3. August 2022, 02:48 by zhall12570
Wow. Awesome puzzle!

on 1. August 2022, 20:46 by zegres
Very neat puzzle.

Rating:88 %
Solved:43 times
Observed:5 times

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