Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

LM 2022 Leftover: Heyawake

(Published on 6. August 2022, 20:22 by lupo)

Some cells in the diagram should be blackened in such a way that no two black cells are orthogonally adjacent to each other and all white cells are connected (i.e. the black cells must not divide the puzzle into two parts). In addition, no horizontal or vertical sequence of white cells may pass through more than two areas. The numbers in the cells indicate how many black cells can be found in that area. Cells with numbers may be blackened.

Solution code: Row 7 and column 7: X for black cells, - for blank cells

Last changed on -

Solved by Jesper, ibag, Uhu, cdwg2000, tuace, Zzzyxas, CJK, Greg, PixelPlucker, ropeko, jessica6, ffricke, polar, rcg, Raistlen, CHalb, Rollo, saskia-daniela, zorant, rimodech, Mark Sweep, zeneszerzo, ... dennischen, zhergan, Toastbrot, Sewerin, hopppe, GexTed, Jordan Timm, Ssikaijeo, ryky, Nusi, Kekes, uvo, drf93, Frubi, jkuo7, webato, Thomster, sandmoppe, abadx, bereolosp, Laje6, GolferBolts
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Last changed on 9. August 2022, 11:16

on 9. August 2022, 11:14 by zeneszerzo
Play on puzz.link --> https://puzz.link/p?heyawake/8/8/fbqumlkd3cr00301tpu0os002g1h1p

Rating:83 %
Solved:79 times
Observed:4 times

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