Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

LM 2022 Leftover: BACA

(Published on 18. August 2022, 20:22 by tuace)

The letters from A to C are to be entered in the grid so that each letter occurs exactly once in each row and each column. All other cells are to be blackened. Letters outside the grid indicate the first seen letter in the corresponding row or column from the corresponding direction. The numbers outside the grid indicate the lengths of successive blocks of black cells in the correct order. There must be at least one letter cell between two blocks. Cells that already contain a letter may either be blacked out, or must contain the given letter.

Solution code: The two main diagonals, first from top left to bottom right, then from top right to bottom left; X for a black cell.

Last changed on -

Solved by moeve, jessica6, saskia-daniela, Mody, Statistica, ffricke, Jesper, cornuto, Luigi, ibag, Alex, Zzzyxas, lupo, ildiko, r45, AnnaTh, CJK, zuzanina, Uhu, misko, Raistlen, Counterfeitly, zorant, ch1983, rimodech, CHalb, pin7guin, KNT, Mark Sweep, HaSe, RockyRoer, skywalker
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Rating:90 %
Solved:32 times
Observed:4 times

Standard puzzle Filling puzzle

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