Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

SC17 Magic Squares

(Published on 29. July 2022, 13:11 by kuraban)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

The three colored regions (gold, silver and bronze) are magic squares. The digits along each vertical, horizontal and diagonal segment of these three shapes must sum to the same amount.

(The white square enclosed by the magic squares are NOT considered a part of the squares in any way.)

Try Magic Squares on your choice of:



Solution code: Row 2 and row 9.

Last changed on on 29. July 2022, 15:21

Solved by belfieldtj, jalebc, SirWoezel, kublai, Banana, nemo23, Chelo, SKORP17, Jagga, Notlob, Mayamor, AvonD, pazqo, Frans Wentholt, cdwg2000, saskia-daniela, Matti64, Jlrice2, Raistlen, zorant, achim-t, ... Uhu, Miaocik, Mr.CHEN, Rollo, flaemmchen, Gosciola19, chain.reader, Carolin, zrbakhtiar, lutzreimer, Crul, Saskia, jgarber, morgannamodeaura, Kenji769, Lovejoy , MoHaMeD05, misko, OGRussHood
Full list


on 29. July 2022, 21:17 by Mayamor
Thank you for the nice puzzle! I was wondering if the magic squares could be anything other than the classic magic square, as this layout allows for repeating digits on the square, though luckily the classic square got me to the solution!

on 29. July 2022, 15:21 by kuraban
Corrected solution code.

Last changed on 29. July 2022, 15:21

on 29. July 2022, 13:57 by SirWoezel
I think you may have made an error in your solution code.


Corrected now. Thanks for letting me know.

Rating:89 %
Solved:52 times
Observed:7 times

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