Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 23. July 2022, 22:22 by Xenonetix)

- Every digit from 1 to 9 appears once in every row, column, and region. 9 regions are to be determined. Every region is a set of 9 orthogonally connected cells.

- No region contains any 2x2 area.

- White dots indicate that one of the digits in the four surrounding cells is in a different region to, and is the sum of, the other three, which all belong to the same region themselves. All such white dots are given.

Cracking The Cryptic (with answer check)

Penpa+ (with answer check)


Here's an example puzzle to demonstrate the rules:

Cracking The Cryptic

Lots of pure Region logic here! Hope you enjoy playing 😄 - Any feedback and comments welcome!

Solution code:

Row 7 (left to right) with dashes for region borders. (e.g. 123-4-56-789)

Last changed on -

Solved by JayForty, Myxo, jkuo7, Bjd, Dentones, ancarro, polar, henrypijames, marcmees, Playmaker6174, Elliptical, FloH, TotallyNormalCat, lerroyy, smckinley, Christounet, Inanbana, bansalsaab, tinounou, ... misko, ONeill, Racteal, hepcecob, dogfarts, by81996672, h5663454, cdwg2000, Lavender Gooms, Vebby, soroush, lovely7998, Tom-dz, Mr.CHEN, jinkela114514, Paletron, dimension7, steeto, BeeBoi, SXH
Full list


on 20. November 2022, 15:56 by h5663454
Great puzzle!
Having said that, although the negative constraint is mentioned in the rule set (it is certainly not something that can be ignored.), I didn't seem to notice that I was using it during the whole puzzle solving process.

on 7. August 2022, 11:43 by peacherwu2
What a blast! Hours of pure joy! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

on 4. August 2022, 08:27 by Mip
Every single region took work to sort out, no freebies, just a tension of interacting rules that eventually leads to a solution. Very nicely done.

on 28. July 2022, 00:06 by Christounet
Solver : Wait, there aren't any clues left, right ?
X : Yep !
Solver : But I'm only halfway through the puzzle ??
X : That's right, dude.
Solver : So now, I'm on my own ?
X : Region logic, man, whatever the ruleset, that's what it's all about in the end !

on 26. July 2022, 12:36 by lerroyy
Very nice and smooth solve!

Last changed on 24. July 2022, 20:49

on 24. July 2022, 20:48 by Playmaker6174
Very lovely puzzle! The first half was very intriguing with lots of interesting region logic, then the later half kept being exciting till very end, which I highly enjoyed how it resolved :)

on 24. July 2022, 19:12 by marcmees
Very nice. thanks.

on 23. July 2022, 22:39 by JayForty
Great puzzle! Very interesting logic and the end game was beautiful.

Rating:99 %
Solved:47 times
Observed:5 times

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