Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Same Sums Chaos (6x6)

(Published on 22. July 2022, 10:27 by randomra)

My first puzzle here. I hope the format is fine.


Place the digits 1-6 once each within each row, column, and region!

Every line has the same sum and every line is inside only one region.

The 6 orthogonally connected regions have to be determined by the solver.

F-puzzles link

CTC link

Solution code: Row 2 (left to right) and column 3 (top to bottom), 12 digits long with no space

Solved by efnenu, marcmees, cdwg2000, Dandelo, Jesper, Bluewhite, Steven R, ScatterBrain, achim-t, minus2ev, fkroeger, BellBear, pippilotta, lutzreimer, Dag H, Uhu, Onkel_Dagobert, Frutlop, JSmoove1099, ... stefhoer, MysticMan, jjjbbb1111, 3ColorTheorem, r0the, jgarber, Spooof, imagle, ArmagedDan, gollum999, garycblack, toboed, bereolosp, NemoBlub, awpinn, ratolibre, puzzledcoop, Baconator
Full list


on 15. November 2024, 03:15 by garycblack
SudokuPad solution link:


on 6. May 2024, 22:46 by DK_48
wonderful first puzzle

on 3. September 2023, 06:06 by cascadeshiker
Great idea for a puzzle. Thanks.

on 18. May 2023, 07:32 by AdrianSimple
This was so much fun!! Thank you :D

on 16. April 2023, 18:06 by parachute

on 6. August 2022, 18:21 by vercig09
a lot of fun

on 1. August 2022, 17:55 by Schlopsi
Loved it! Not too challenging but not too easy, either. Great logic and a rewarding solve.

on 31. July 2022, 23:05 by Kormi
Great puzzle, enjoyed it a lot. Keep up the good work.

on 30. July 2022, 11:47 by randomra
Thank you for the feedback!

on 25. July 2022, 03:40 by ranhothchord
great puzzle! i enjoyed it immensely! lots of logic packed into the tiny puzzle

on 23. July 2022, 00:05 by Schesam
I solved it without knowing all regions. Was pretty fun! After i solved it i could determine the remaining regions tho

on 22. July 2022, 13:37 by ScatterBrain
I was amazed how quickly I solved it. Thanks for the idea!

on 22. July 2022, 11:50 by cdwg2000
Congrats on the first question, good. Sorry, I missed a 3 grid line in the previous coloring.

Rating:92 %
Solved:345 times
Observed:14 times


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