Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

LM 2022 Leftover: Die wilden 20er

(Published on 31. August 2022, 20:22 by ibag)

This is a Japanese Sums puzzle with digits from 1 to 9 with additional rules.

Rules for Japanese Sums: In the diagram, some fields are to be blackened. In the remaining fields, digits from 1 to 9 must be entered in such a way that no digit is repeated in any row or column. The hints at the outside the diagram indicate the sums of connected digits (with no black field in between) in the correct order.

Additional rules: If there is a 20 in a field of the diagram, this field itself is normal, but the 4 orthogonally adjacent fields form wild 20s. I.e. the sum of the digits of these 4 fields is 20; black fields count as 0.

Furthermore, the fields above and below the 20 are invisible in the row in which they are located; i.e. they are completely ignored when the sums are calculated. Likewise, the fields to the left and right of the 20 in the column in which they are located are invisible and are ignored when the sums are calculated. This applies regardless of whether the ignored field contains a number or a black field. The optical marking is to emphasize these special features and has otherwise no meaning.

Also in rows or columns with wild 20s, digits must not be repeated.

Solution code: Row 10 and column 10; use S for blackened fields.

Last changed on -

Solved by moeve, Uhu, zuzanina, tuace, polar, CJK, ffricke, marcmees, jessica6, Statistica, r45, chrisbee2, Mody, Jesper, cornuto, Dandelo, misko, lupo, ildiko, AnnaTh, Lara Croft, rimodech, ch1983, skywalker, pin7guin, Penzo, Dotty, ChristJan, Gliperal, KlausRG, Alex, KNT, Zzzyxas, Christounet, Nensche777, Piatato, Ulistef, Thomas Meier
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on 1. November 2023, 17:00 by Piatato
Very fun variant, great puzzle!

on 18. August 2023, 11:01 by Christounet
Immer wieder großartig ! Diese Variante mit dem wilden 20 und unsichtbaren Ziffern war sehr interessant und überraschend ! Danke vielmals :)

on 18. November 2022, 18:43 by pin7guin
Hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Eine schöne Jap. Sum.-Variante, danke Gabi!

on 4. September 2022, 12:58 by AnnaTh
Ah,als ich mich endlich an die Betrachtungsweise gewöhnt hatte, war es wunderbar!

on 4. September 2022, 12:51 by ildiko
Ich mag JS, und die wilden Varianten besonders gerne. Tolles Rätsel.

on 2. September 2022, 18:33 by cornuto
Sehr schöne Variante.

on 2. September 2022, 15:28 by Mody
Eines der schönsten Rätsel hier.
Die Idee mit den "nicht sichtbaren" Feldern ist großartig.

on 1. September 2022, 11:36 by marcmees
thanks for this quite tricky JS variation. enjoyed that.

on 31. August 2022, 21:11 by zuzanina
Ich find sie super! Auch wenn ich mich bei den LM katastrophal in einem Denkfehler verrannt habe! ;-)

on 31. August 2022, 20:53 by moeve
Ich war vor den LM nicht gerade der größte Fan der wilden 20er, aber wenn man sich mal dran gewöhnt hat, sind die eigentlich schon ganz lustig :)

Rating:98 %
Solved:38 times
Observed:7 times

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