Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Internal X-Sums Chaos Construction (9x9)

(Published on 16. July 2022, 04:01 by jovi_al)

Here's the 9x9 version! I hope I don't disappoint anyone by posting something that isn't hard.

Place a digit from 1-9 into each cell such that every row and column contains all of the digits. In addition, deduce 9 regions of nine orthogonally connected cells each that also contain all of the digits. A digit X in a cell containing a number N in its top left corner indicates that that cell sees X digits in its own region via row and column including itself, and that those digits sum to N. Region borders restrict view.

Play on Penpa+ (Recommended).

Play on F-Puzzles.

Play on the CtC Web-app.

Solution code: Row 1, row 2

Solved by thetearex15, Steven R, jkuo7, henrypijames, marcmees, Jesper, Christounet, Niverio, polar, Lizzy01, MagnusJosefsson, Bankey, Vebby, shottik, rmn, dimension7, SirWoezel, Snookerfan, Franjo, ... arrrgh, Spade, rob, Laxeous, NEWS, psninn, raaaaa, toboed, kukrksnik, felixcron, Jensa, massiah3100, richliaofs, Alce, karalysis, loulouleboss, Sniper-line, SKORP17, OJPS, OGRussHood, awpinn, Tug
Full list


on 21. October 2024, 10:33 by arrrgh
I had a very difficult time with this puzzle. Beautiful nonetheless.

on 9. August 2023, 08:42 by Sinuit
Perfect puzzle! It is quite approachable, but I still needed very long due to some restarts. Loved the ruleset.

on 21. July 2023, 18:58 by DasRoc
Love this rule set! Great puzzle!

on 7. April 2023, 10:25 by Yann
So many question marks that interacted beautifully with the clues !
Thank you for this puzzle

on 4. October 2022, 22:00 by Playmaker6174
Lots of fun, it's great to see how the later half of the solve was done :D

on 11. September 2022, 15:04 by cornuto

on 8. August 2022, 03:39 by josemadre
Yes, I love this puzzle!

Last changed on 25. July 2022, 17:03

on 25. July 2022, 17:03 by AnnaTh
I love this variation. And it wasn't that easy...

on 22. July 2022, 20:43 by StephenR
What a beauty, thanks a lot. "Isn't hard" - lol, I never find puzzles on LMD not hard - everyone here is freakishly clever, in the nicest possible way.

on 22. July 2022, 04:07 by Agent
Very fun puzzle!

on 20. July 2022, 08:28 by Phistomefel
Very nice Chaos Construction! Thank you so much for setting it, jovi_al!

on 17. July 2022, 23:59 by Florian Wortmann

on 17. July 2022, 22:21 by wenchang
Very nice setting.

on 17. July 2022, 16:59 by Piatato
Very nice and smooth solve. Thanks!

on 16. July 2022, 17:30 by DiMono
"I hope I don't disappoint anyone by posting something that isn't hard."

You posted a puzzle I'm capable of solving? How dare you.

on 16. July 2022, 16:44 by Franjo
Cannot believe that anybody could be disappointed by this wonderful puzzle! Love it.

on 16. July 2022, 15:45 by Snookerfan
Great puzzle and ruleset! Thank you!

on 16. July 2022, 15:31 by SirWoezel
Excellent puzzle. Thanks.

on 16. July 2022, 12:22 by Bankey
What a beautiful puzzle! Very clever use of region geometry. Thanks for setting, @ jovi_al :)

on 16. July 2022, 11:37 by MagnusJosefsson
Very enjoyable smooth and easy puzzle!

on 16. July 2022, 09:44 by Niverio
Very nice, very enjoyable!

on 16. July 2022, 09:42 by Christounet
No disappointment here ! Keep them coming !

on 16. July 2022, 09:28 by Jesper
Excellent, thanks!

on 16. July 2022, 09:16 by marcmees
Not disappointed. thanks.

on 16. July 2022, 05:49 by Steven R
Lovely stuff!

Rating:99 %
Solved:264 times
Observed:18 times

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