Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Ladder Rock

(Published on 9. July 2022, 07:10 by DarthParadox)

Place the digits 1 through 9 once in each row, column, and 3x3 box. Digits along the indicated diagonals must sum to the given number (and may repeat if otherwise allowed). Digits along the bulbless thermometers (grey lines) must increase from one end to the other.

The brown lines are Cliff lines. Digits separated by a Cliff line must differ by at least four, and when the same line separates more than one pair of digits, the higher digits in those differences must all be on the same side of the line.

Online solver links: CTC, f-puzzles

Solution code: Column 1 followed by row 8, no spaces

Solved by Miky, Dentones, crispy16, SKORP17, JayForty, mos, Bjd
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on 10. July 2022, 13:07 by JayForty
Fantastic puzzle! Absolutely loved the first half and I was very pleased with how (little) the LK clues were used. Very original and clever!

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Observed:6 times

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