Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 8. July 2022, 00:55 by Bremster)


Puzzle Rules:

  • Normal irregular sudoku rules apply. Every row, column and marked region must contain the digits 1-9 without repetition.
  • Digits in cages must sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage. Digits can not repeat within cages.

Solve in SudokuPad WebApp
Solution checking will work in SudokuPad.
Solve in f-puzzles

Solve Video

If you are after any assistance with the puzzle, or would just like to see the puzzle creator go through their own puzzle, I have created a solve video where you can go and watch me run through this puzzle.

Solve video on YouTube
Note: the video is in English.

People who do not want any help should just ignore the video.

Solution code: Row 8, then column 6. (18 digits no spaces or punctuation)

Last changed on on 19. July 2022, 04:32

Solved by virtual, SKORP17, djorr, cdwg2000, awesomesauce, RockyRoer, jalebc, jchan18, tenaliraman, Bjd, SimiC, Raumplaner, samuella, LKegel, marcmees, Franjo, MalkoMann2, riffclown, Jagga, AvonD, bansalsaab, ... Nytik, ManuH, Crul, Jodelbanane, OGRussHood, zorant, pepe74287, 999ARMEN999, OhHeyGuysItsMax, humaLautema, saskia-daniela, noodlehead, Krisonium, Gotroch, Puzzle Weasel, mezkur7, karen_birgitta
Full list


on 19. July 2022, 04:32 by Bremster
Added solve video details.

on 17. July 2022, 18:14 by 99jau99
Very nice logic in this puzzle! Thanks for setting

on 10. July 2022, 11:19 by haligonian
This was a great puzzle!

on 9. July 2022, 18:36 by Snookerfan
Nice puzzle!

on 8. July 2022, 14:31 by riffclown
Fun Irregular..

on 8. July 2022, 01:05 by djorr
Seriously loved this puzzle.

on 8. July 2022, 00:58 by virtual
Lovely irregular killer! The logic feels consistent and fun throughout.

Rating:94 %
Solved:68 times
Observed:12 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool

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