Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Blackout Yajilin

(Published on 8. July 2022, 12:00 by CJK)

This puzzle has been constructed as training for LM 2022.

Rules: Blacken some cells of the diagram, such that any non-blackened arrow points to the correct number of black cells. Black cells cannot touch each other orthogonally. Draw a closed loop through every remaining empty cell, which goes horizontally and vertically from cell to cell. Not all black cells need to be pointed at.

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Solution code: Row 2 and row 9: I for a straight line, L for a corner, X for a black cell

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Solved by Zzzyxas, Lizzy01, Jesper, Uhu, jessica6, rob, sloffie, moss, PulverizingPancake, bakpao, moeve, Schachus, lupo, tuace, CHalb, saskia-daniela, Franjo, MartinR, SilBer, r45, Mark Sweep, rimodech, AnnaTh, Joe Average, misko, ffricke, Statistica, ildiko, BenceJoful, ropeko, Luigi, skywalker, ch1983, zorant, EKBM, RobertBe, uvo, Raistlen, Mittag, ManuH, webato
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Rating:90 %
Solved:41 times
Observed:5 times

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