Rules: Divide the diagram along the grid lines into areas. Each area does either contain only circles or only squares, empty areas are not allowed. The lines that form area borders start at the grid border, are allowed to make a turn at the black dots (but nowhere else) and can cross each other (and themselve) everywhere except for black dots. Not all black dots have to be used.
Furthermore: All black dots are "knapp daneben", i.e. one crossing horizontally or vertically off. Black dots cannot lie on the grid border.
Solution code: Row 8 and column 9: X for cells in an area with squares, O for circles.
on 13. December 2022, 08:32 by Mark Sweep
Awesome puzzle!
on 30. July 2022, 10:51 by ropeko
Wunderschönes Rätsel!
on 10. July 2022, 22:02 by CJK
@SilBer: Tatsächlich dürfen zwei schwarze Punkte nicht an die gleiche Stelle geschoben werden, und das Rätsel ist trotzdem eindeutig lösbar ;)
on 7. July 2022, 20:14 by moeve
Sehr sehr nice, dass du das wirklich erstellt hast :D Und es ist sogar richtig hübsch geworden :)