Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Odd One Out (4x4)

(Published on 4. July 2022, 22:18 by kikanya)

Just some quick puzzle I came up with. Have fun solving!

Sudoku: Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Thermometer: Digits along a thermometer must strictly increase from the bulb end.

Arrows: Digits along an arrow sum to the number in the attached circle. Digits may repeat on an arrow if allowed by other rules.

Kropki: Digits on either side of a white dot are consecutive.



Solution code: Row 1 and 2 (8 digits)

Last changed on on 4. July 2022, 22:42

Solved by Jlrice2, marcmees, peadar2211, LKegel, Notlob, rictech, tsutclifferocks, Calvinball, steelwool, pdabraham, VeTaurus, wjdrumm, SKORP17, PinkNickels, S4K, leegunner, SHERAX, cdwg2000, MB_Cyclist, ... edwinap, mjozska1985, Mathi, louie.lly, H1324851344, Prost, bhambells, slatt490, MaciekZ, popcorn99, tolley, Baconator, slimoba, puzzledcoop, OJPS, Jastucreudo, ashekke, hasti2c, Malsted, etur
Full list


on 9. September 2024, 05:19 by permafrostyx

on 23. February 2023, 23:43 by keeb
kropki dots are fun :)

on 11. July 2022, 01:22 by josemadre
Great puzzle! Thank you for adding variety to the site

on 8. July 2022, 22:19 by Onkel_Dagobert
Downgrading a puzzle because it is „too easy“ - as if there was such a thing - is borderline stupid, imho. As is upgrading a puzzle because it is very hard. I found this very enjoyable even though it did not present much of a challenge to me.

on 6. July 2022, 22:22 by 99jau99
That was quick and fun!

on 6. July 2022, 09:28 by sandini
Very nice short puzzle.
Is the rule „Digits may repeat on an arrow if allowed by other rules“ a joke?

on 5. July 2022, 22:00 by Tank
Nice Puzzle, satisfying solve

on 5. July 2022, 17:03 by MatthewDonovan
Nice puzzle, thanks!
Also I feel compelled to chime in to the discussion below. I agree that this is an easier puzzle (4x4 and rated one star), but I don't think that takes away anything from the solve. Sometimes people are looking for easy puzzles, and sometimes people look for harder puzzles. I found that this puzzle still had nice logic especially given its size, and I think a comment of "too easy" without any further explanation or context is harmful both to the puzzle creator but also the larger solving community.
I posted a similar comment on another 4x4 1-star difficulty puzzle which received the same "too easy" comment

Last changed on 5. July 2022, 08:35

on 5. July 2022, 08:32 by Pibonacci
| Too Easy

These comments always strike me as weird at best and gatekeeping elitism at worst, and the same trend reflects in the puzzle ratings on this site.
5 star puzzles are always 95%+, 1 star puzzles rarely get above 90%.

Part of that is the rating system - people can't "downvote" a puzzle that was too hard for them, and people that spent a lot of time on something and finally solved it are more likely to have the satisfaction take over and give the puzzle a high rating.

On the flip side, it's way simpler in reverse to spend a minute on an easy extreme, downvote and move on. - Or you could just not vote if the puzzle wasn't for you, or just not solve it if it was obviously going to be "too easy"? Like what do you expect from a 4x4 puzzle?

Everyone started somewhere, whether it's someone who never solved sudokus before, adults or children, and it's very important to have accessible puzzles on the easy, the very easy, and the very very easy side for these people. Giving these puzzles a "don't solve this these are horribly bad" rating, and nothing else are 60%s in a sea of 80 and 90%s, just seems counterproductive to making this hobby more accessible to everyone.

There is another recent puzzle exactly like this, 4x4, 60% rating range, "Too Easy" comment on an obviously very easy puzzle. I posted the same comment there.

on 4. July 2022, 23:45 by SHERAX
Too Easy

on 4. July 2022, 22:42 by kikanya
put 4x4 in the title

Rating:77 %
Solved:432 times
Observed:9 times

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