After the LM final this weekend, I almost had no other choice than to set a BACA myself as well ;)
Rules: Put the letters A to C in the diagram such that in every row and column each letter appears exactly once. All other cells have to be blackened. Letters at the border indicate the first seen letter in that row or column. Numbers at the border indicate the length of blocks of black cells in the corresponding row or column in the correct order. There has to be at least one letter cell between different blocks. Cells with a letter can be blackened or have to contain the given letter.
Solution code: Row 1 and 5 (left to right each): X for a blackened cell, the corresponding letter for a letter cell.
on 7. July 2022, 22:39 by ibag
;-) Schön!
on 5. July 2022, 13:30 by tuace
Also das ist ja jetzt wirklich unglaublich: Ich hatte für die LM ebenfalls ein 7x7-BACA mit den exakt gleichen Zahlenvorgaben erstellt - das dann, weil zu schwer, nicht genommen wurde. Meine Oma hätte jetzt gesagt "Zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke" :D
on 5. July 2022, 07:51 by Statistica
Das ehrt Dich! War toll und spannend am Samstag.