Progressive Scanning
(Published on 3. July 2022, 00:51 by chameleon)
Standard nonogram rules (also known as griddlers, Japanese crosswords, paint by number etc.):
Shade some cells in the main area of the puzzle. Numbers from the top and the left sides indicate the number of consecutive runs of shaded cells in their row/column, e.g. "3 1 4" in a row means that there are 3 consecutive shaded cells in this row, followed by one or more unshaded cells, then 1 shaded cell, then one or more unshaded cells, then 4 consecutive shaded cells. In the rows and columns with no numbers, all cells are unshaded.
Solve online (penpa+):
Note: it's highly recommended to solve the puzzle from desktop, not from phone.

Solution code: the phrase that you get from the picture
Last changed on on 3. July 2022, 01:30
Solved by Greg, halftime, Mark Sweep, peadar2211, UNAM1, moss, rimodech, Zzzyxas, Malrog, CJK, Doziam, Uhu, jessica6, moeve, sandmoppe, marsigel, josemadre, drf93, PepperWood, Felis_Timon, Hulk3421, ... Myxo, ClashCode, dennischen, tweak42, ajis, SorahISA, DagMT, ademjaz, Gemüßchen, Ci0, RubberMittens, starelev5, SDsign, Koalagator2, MaNCS, nocturnomath, MehrIgel!, wjprk, kipcool, DiMono, Calesch
on 23. November 2022, 17:40 by Yellaine
This is so CUTE!!!
on 12. July 2022, 09:59 by Felis_Timon
I think this is the best solution code I've ever seen. So creative and correct
on 10. July 2022, 16:16 by PepperWood
Very cute result!! Love the solution code
on 7. July 2022, 21:17 by josemadre
Nonograms are rare here, thank you for adding variety to the mix
on 4. July 2022, 19:14 by Malrog
Very cute and worthwhile, thanks! :)