Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

SC15 - Odds & Evens

(Published on 28. June 2022, 18:23 by kuraban)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Cells with grey circles must contain an odd number.

Cells with grey squares must contain an even number.

The cells with marked circles AND squares both show the exact number of ODD digits in orthogonally adjacent cells. (So a circle with a 1 must have exactly one digit in an orthogonally adjacent cell. The 1 itself does not count against this restriction).

There IS a negative restriction. All such cells are shown, and cells without a square or circle cannot have a digit equal to the number of orthogonally adjacent odd cells.

Try Odds and Evens on your choice of:



Solution code: Row 6 followed by column 8, with no spaces.

Solved by bansalsaab, belfieldtj, samuella, Isa, Bankey, pippilotta, jguer, sayuri17, AvonD, PippoForte, FalcoSüßgott, marcmees, Ximota, wilsig, Imperial Marcher, DetroitPiston, karen_birgitta, bernhard, ... underdude, Steven R, flaemmchen, chain.reader, ManuH, Uhu, Crul, Carolin, fca.felix.sudoku, zrbakhtiar, Just me, Saskia, FlashZange, jadezki, dingledork, silver585987, misko, Nadav, rav, Montikulum
Full list


on 26. November 2022, 00:15 by chain.reader
This one gave me a bit more trouble than I expected for 2 stars but it was good nonetheless. Also, the first time I met this constaint ruleset.

on 30. June 2022, 00:47 by Mellario of Norvos
Great puzzle. Loved the coloring and negative constraint.

on 28. June 2022, 20:16 by Bankey
Good fun. Thanks, @ kuraban :)

on 28. June 2022, 19:03 by belfieldtj
I really enjoyed this - lots of colouring!! Many thanks!

Rating:94 %
Solved:85 times
Observed:8 times

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