Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Quint Quads

(Published on 29. June 2022, 09:55 by Ned Howarth)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in that arrow's circle. Digits connected by an X sum to 10 and digits connected by a V sum to 5. Digits connected by a black dot have a 2 to 1 ratio. Digits connected by a white dot are consecutive. Not all X, V and dots are given (no negative constraints).

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Solution code: Row 5 then column 6. 18 digits no spaces.

Last changed on on 29. June 2022, 09:57

Solved by jalebc, cdwg2000, henter, Bjd, SKORP17, sayuri17, PippoForte, Leonard Hal, kkli, kublai, bansalsaab, ___, wilsig, Fago, deltameth, OutOfMyMindBRB, john9, Imperial Marcher, drbs, ranhothchord, ... LKegel, Deusmaximus, TsieLeMoswang, by81996672, rcg, PseudoCoup, chain.reader, askel083, Kigor, spq, jhuijts, apendleton, dlindberg3, S4K, Nickyo, lovely, OhHeyGuysItsMax, flaemmchen, AvonD, mezkur7
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on 29. June 2022, 09:57 by Ned Howarth
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Rating:93 %
Solved:44 times
Observed:8 times

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