Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

With the Crust Cut Off

(Published on 23. June 2022, 01:04 by mathpesto)

Thanks to AFrayedKnot for the title suggestion! If you'd like any hints, feel free to post a hidden comment below or message me on Discord. Comments and ratings are much appreciated, and please be sure to check out my other puzzles here.


Place the digits 1–8 once each in every row, column, and region. Regions are to be determined. A gray square contains an even digit and a gray circle contains an odd digit. Clues outside the grid give the sum of the digits between the 1 and 8 in that row/column. If a sandwich clue is given, the digits contributing to the sandwich sum all exist within a single region, and there are boundaries separating both the 1 and the 8 from the sandwich sum.

Solve on F-Puzzles

Solve on SudokuPad


Solution code: Type the digits (no spaces) of the region containing R8C8 as follows: the digits of the region's topmost row (left to right), the digits of the region's second topmost row (left to right), etc.

Last changed on on 23. June 2022, 01:23

Solved by jwsinclair, Krokant, jkuo7, LittleBallOfPurr, twobear, marcmees, ancarro, zorant, zuzanina, RockyRoer, Mody, Jesper, ___, AvonD, polar, achim-t, kaylee42, rimodech, Steven R, farodin64, wildbush7, ... OGRussHood, Lavender Gooms, Vebby, Jaych, dogfarts, KNT, ONeill, h5663454, morgannamodeaura, zhantyzgz, P12345, StephenR, zakkai, Sewerin, appletrapezoid, steeto, Mikemerin, SudokuHero, BeeBoi
Full list


on 7. February 2023, 17:51 by KNT
really nice CC!

on 27. July 2022, 02:06 by peacherwu2
Elegant and lovely!

on 20. July 2022, 14:44 by Snookerfan
Lovely puzzle! Thank you

on 24. June 2022, 23:45 by wooferzfg
A very fun and smooth solve! I liked the 8x8 grid.

on 23. June 2022, 15:38 by Mody
Ließ sich sehr schön lösen und war nicht allzu schwer.
It came off very nicely and was not too difficult.

on 23. June 2022, 10:24 by marcmees
Nice and easy.thanks.(<3*)

on 23. June 2022, 09:59 by twobear
Fun puzzle. Thank you!

on 23. June 2022, 07:58 by LittleBallOfPurr
A delightful CC, very approachable, would be an ideal introduction for someone new to CC.

Loved how all the clues clicked together, thanks Math, really enjoyed this!

Rating:95 %
Solved:63 times
Observed:13 times

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