Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Stealing Gas

(Published on 20. June 2022, 23:26 by troptot)

Saw the 'divisible by 3 rule in a ctc GAS video once hence the title. I reckon this one turns out to be a bit harder than your standard GAS-levels. We'll see.

Normal sudoku rules apply
Digits separated by a black dot are in a ratio of 2:1
All such possible dots were given
The grey square contains an even digit
The grey circle contains an odd digit
Any run of 3 horizontally or vertically connected cells within a box have to be divisible by 3 (eg r3c1, r3c2 and r3c3 would be one such a run within box 1)


Solution code: Row 9 of the finished grid

Solved by mos, SKORP17, martica, Isa, karen_birgitta, DanScacca, marcmees, Remman, efnenu, Samson, jguer, dontinterrupt, AN_not_IO, Ragna, galgamer, tia, henter, PippoForte, AvonD, SqueezyLemy, zorant, Julianl, PepperWood, Felis_Timon, cbjenkins, PetLov, ManuH, zhall12570, lovely, AethernalZephyr, zrbakhtiar
Full list


on 26. June 2022, 23:10 by PepperWood
Great puzzle! I didn't fill in any of the numbers up until the break-in, and it fell apart beautifully. Really fun!

Rating:86 %
Solved:31 times
Observed:11 times

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