My third puzzle!
This started out as a Sudoku where the German Whisper lines had to be squeezed based on the knowledge of which circle connects to which tip, but slowly evolved into the opposite. Now we got arrows who don't know where their tip is. Maybe you can help them figure it out!
I wasn't sure whether this is a 1 or 2-star difficulty puzzle, but I decided to go with 2 because of the overlapping arrows being kind of a novelty. Let me know what you think of it!
Sudoku: Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Arrows: Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in the attached circle. Digits may repeat along an arrow if allowed by other rules.
Ambiguity: Each pair of arrows overlaps at some point. It is up to the solver to determine which arrow connects to which tip.
(To avoid revealing which arrow is which, each circle is drawn connecting to both tips. I reccommend turning off conflict checking when solving on f-puzzles, as it will be inaccurate.)
German Whisper Lines: Neighbouring digits along green lines differ by at least 5.
Solution code: Row 9 (9-digit-number)
on 26. June 2022, 18:42 by 99jau99
It was tough for me. It looks more like 2 stars.
A little confusing also.
Beautiful at he end.
on 22. June 2022, 08:43 by Squiranha
Wonderful, I really enjoyed the interaction between arrows and whisper lines.
on 20. June 2022, 00:09 by dumediat
This is a really cool idea! Very approachable as well, thank you for sharing!
@dumediat Thank you!!
on 18. June 2022, 15:43 by ranhothchord
the interaction between the german whisper lines and the arrows was very cool! made for a fun puzzle! nice work :)
@ranhothchord Thank you! I have some more ideas for these arrows for the future :)