Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Boiga Irregularis

(Published on 16. June 2022, 18:00 by TotallyNormalCat)


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Draw an orthogonally connected, one cell wide path which doesn't touch itself orthogonally, begins in r9c1 and ends in r9c7.
  • Adjacent snake cells must differ by at least 5.
  • A digit in a circle is equal to the number of snake cells in the (up to) 9 surrounding cells, including itself. Snake must visit each circle.

Solve online: Penpa | F-puzzles | CTC App

Solution code: Row 1, Column 1

Last changed on on 17. June 2022, 18:03

Solved by PulverizingPancake, Jesper, Agent, lerroyy, KNT, jsh, zegres, Cowbear, twobear, polar, Elliott810, Vebby, Niverio, noname1477, pippilotta, Bjd, tlgeotau, Steven R, kolot, cdwg2000, BHUNTER47, ... ignigomoreno, shadow-nexus, MorsBe, skoob, Sewerin, haakon, kira5045, crustaceous, Marl, sedici, phs, Druselbert, SolidTux, JetTong, snn, galium_odoratum, bielaczek, Counterfeitly, r0the
Full list


on 30. May 2024, 23:03 by wuc
Great great great for start to finish. Awesome. I surely add this to my favourites. Thx.

on 7. May 2024, 12:55 by LehanLehan
To Xuesong -- you've got broken German whisper in box 9 with neighboring 3 and 7

on 14. February 2024, 06:39 by Montikulum
Well - what they all said before :) Really amazing minimalistic excellency.

on 3. January 2024, 00:14 by yttrio
Simply brilliant!

on 21. November 2023, 06:23 by zzw
Simply gorgeous.

on 28. August 2023, 16:40 by Yann
One of the best puzzles ever, and the best approachable one. Minimalistic, elegant, simple...

on 7. August 2023, 14:55 by Salzkoernchen
Brilliant puzzle! The break-in was quite difficult for me but once found it flowed beautifully.

Last changed on 31. July 2023, 07:57

on 31. July 2023, 07:53 by xuesong
One of the solutions that I've got. It seems valid. Anyone let me know where's the mistake? Thanks.


on 29. July 2023, 03:29 by MusicGusto
Brilliant puzzle. Thank you!

on 28. February 2023, 10:06 by CptHampton
A lot of hard-fought logic to solve this one, especially finding the break in. Amazing setting to come up with this.

on 28. January 2023, 17:27 by Hydalin
Very elegant puzzle, enjoyed it a lot! Thanks very much!

on 8. December 2022, 14:36 by Samish
Pure elegance

on 23. November 2022, 01:29 by Pllaguno
is there a way i can get a hint into how to start???? im lost :'(

on 24. June 2022, 02:26 by sPaulding
Absolutely beautiful, yet approachable. It's nice when us novices can tackle such a minimalist puzzle.

on 22. June 2022, 20:57 by mathpesto
Wow! This puzzle truly lives up to the hype. You constructed something really special, TotallyNormalCat!

on 19. June 2022, 06:26 by Samson
Perfectly minimalistic set of rules and constraints. A beautiful chase for answers and questions, leading to a delicious flow...

on 18. June 2022, 17:44 by marcmees

on 18. June 2022, 16:55 by Palooka
Felt like I just watched a miracle unfold.

on 18. June 2022, 15:14 by Klausku
Wow. Just wow. You just can‘t imagine, that this minimalistic puzzle has a unique solution. And it’s not too difficult to find it. One of my all time favorites.

on 18. June 2022, 01:08 by nyxie
By “one cell wide” path, does that mean the path can only turn 90 degrees at a time, or can it go up on, say, a diagonal? Like could r3c2 connect only to r2c3 and r4c1, for example?

on 17. June 2022, 21:16 by Florian Wortmann

on 17. June 2022, 19:55 by cmb
TNC replied to your 13:26 comment by adding to it.

on 17. June 2022, 19:31 by nyxie
By “one cell wide” path, does that mean the path can only turn 90 degrees at a time, or can it go up on, say, a diagonal? Like could r3c2 connect only to r2c3 and r4c1, for example?

on 17. June 2022, 18:03 by TotallyNormalCat
Updated rules (and by extension links)
Leaving the old ones here in case somebody has progress saved on them
CTC app: https://tinyurl.com/2p8vdct2
Penpa: https://tinyurl.com/4enwsfsz

on 17. June 2022, 16:53 by drbs
Sehr schön!

on 17. June 2022, 14:18 by LKegel
Masterpiece, hats off!

Last changed on 17. June 2022, 17:17

on 17. June 2022, 13:26 by nyxie
By “one cell wide” path, does that mean the path can only turn 90 degrees at a time, or can it go up on, say, a diagonal? Like could r3c2 connect only to r2c3 and r4c1, for example?

The path must be orthogonally connected, so it cannot go up on a diagonal. I'll update the rules to make it clearer soon. Sorry for that!

Last changed on 17. June 2022, 11:54

on 17. June 2022, 11:53 by Christounet
Incredibly good ! Once you get the opening trick, it solves so fast and easily that it is almost unbelievable with such an empty grid and simple ruleset ! This goes straight to the hall of fame !

on 17. June 2022, 11:49 by SirWoezel

on 17. June 2022, 10:44 by peacherwu2
Genius settings!

on 17. June 2022, 09:56 by Phistomefel
@spot10: I can assure that this puzzle has a unique solution. Maybe you missed a rule (e.g. that the snake is basically a German Whispers line) or an implication by the rules.

on 17. June 2022, 09:51 by abed hawila
Phenomenal, Marvelous, Sensational, ...

on 17. June 2022, 06:30 by Nordy
Phenomenal! Straight to my favorites

on 17. June 2022, 05:39 by cmb
just WOW.

on 17. June 2022, 03:30 by BHUNTER47
Absolutely brilliant while being completely approachable.

on 17. June 2022, 03:00 by kolot
Very beautiful puzzle. Simple clue setup and a very smooth solve.

on 17. June 2022, 01:38 by spot10
Cannot be logically deduced.
There are MANY ways this puzzle could be correctly solved.

on 16. June 2022, 23:33 by Niverio
So simple yet so enjoyable!

on 16. June 2022, 22:38 by Vebby
This is an example of beauty in simplicity! Very pleasant solve. Thanks TNC :)

on 16. June 2022, 22:32 by Elliott810
Sensational! Everything else already said in the previous comments. Take a bow and thanks:)

on 16. June 2022, 20:37 by Cowbear
Very nice. Impressive setting with so few clues.

on 16. June 2022, 20:28 by zegres
Absolutely incredible puzzle - as can be expected from this cat.
The fact that this has a unique solution was itself very impressive, but the solution path was just marvelous!

on 16. June 2022, 18:31 by Jesper
Very nice! Impressively simple ruleset and clue setup. Pleasant and approachable solve path.

Rating:98 %
Solved:320 times
Observed:13 times

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