Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Oil and Water

(Published on 20. June 2022, 18:53 by Will Power)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Numbers inside cages sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage, if given. Numbers may repeat in cages, if other rules allow. Black dots are between numbers that are in a ratio of 2:1. Oil cages show ALL possible black dots. White dots between numbers indicate a consecutive pair. Water cages show ALL possible white dots. Dots do not appear between water and oil cages. All numbers are either oil or water throughout the whole puzzle. Oil numbers will only go in oil cages and water numbers will only go in water cages. The solver must determine which numbers are oil and which are water. Numbers with a V between them sum to 5. Not all V are given.


Solve on CTC

Solution code: Row 5 and column 9.

Last changed on on 20. August 2022, 06:30

Solved by Imperial Marcher, joker1307, Ned Howarth, Isa, Zenryo, belfieldtj, SKORP17, jalebc, efnenu, Jacob Drebin, -Tsigje-, jgarber, mos, MB_Cyclist, DetroitPiston, Cypher, PippoForte, witch, tobymgk, ... yusuf17, jerbear29, Terrapin, Javier Rebottaro, Dez256, Krokant, phs, wildstarjl, asii, DozingSongbird, BKKGarrett, jklimp, snuuba, Supertaster, koiking, pms_headache, KingIsulgard, tgstar
Full list


on 4. August 2024, 12:13 by phs
Fun puzzle. Does not need all killer sums but maybe some are there just for misdirection?

[BTW, the rule for V has been added to the description on the site but not on the CTC page.]

on 3. October 2022, 16:04 by Drawoon
Hey, this one looks familiar. It's the same pattern as mingling swarms!

on 3. October 2022, 04:58 by dlandrum17
Love Will Power Puzzles. Perfect balance of ease but still having to think. Loved the use of the negative constraint.

on 28. June 2022, 20:07 by Baklin
Really enjoyed this one. Thanks.

on 23. June 2022, 18:37 by highball
Flawless puzzle. Great concept, I can't believe you could set such a rule set. Amazing work Will, once again. Oil and Water do not mix!

on 23. June 2022, 17:02 by erik
I found the rule description "Dots do not appear between water and oil cages." confusing because early in the break in I figured out between the oil/water cages and the 5 clue what looks like a white kropki dot situation with the V clues. But that seems to violate the rule?

I did solve the puzzle by interpreting the rule to mean "There are no restrictions about kropki dots and digits on the borders between oil and water cells."

on 23. June 2022, 02:25 by Will Power
Added rule description for Vs.

on 22. June 2022, 23:36 by adam001
The explanation of the Vs misses.

Last changed on 23. June 2022, 15:03

on 21. June 2022, 21:06 by Schesam
I cant solve it, even tho f-puzzles is green. No cosecutive Numbers on water except with white dots. No Numbers wit 1:2 Ratio in Oil except with a black dot. On LM there is an extra Rule not mentioned in F-Puzzles, which seems impossible to me (between all oil and water cells are never a possible way to place a dot). But the solution Code is wrong. Tried it for 5 Hours now, but it stays wrong... Maybe another day

@Schesam- Hopefully, you have made it to this position: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=2nn24nlu Notice that one number is forced next to the white dot in the center of the grid. And that number cannot go into one of the 2 positions per the rules. That is the hint.

Yea, i was at that point already. I tried it today again 3 Times and only the last time my solution code was a little bit different (3 5/7 were flipped). There i tried to use a bit deeper logic instead just using the plain thing. Somehow it worked, even both seemed possible. Idk, anyway, i rly liked it!

Rating:86 %
Solved:178 times
Observed:12 times

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