Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hex: A Hexagonal Chaos Construction

(Published on 7. June 2022, 05:19 by mathpesto)


Place the digits 1–9 in the grid so that no digit repeats along the horizontal axis, the two diagonals, nor within a region. A region is a collection of nine connected cells. Regions do not overlap and are to be determined. One boundary between regions is given.

A white dot connects adjacent digits that are consecutive and in the same region. A black dot connects adjacent digits that are in a 1:2 ratio and in separate regions. All possible dots are given. (Adjacent cells can have consecutive digits without a white dot between them, so long as they’re in separate regions. Adjacent cells can be in a 1:2 ratio without a black dot, so long as they’re in the same region.)

Solve on Penpa+



The digit in the red hex cannot be repeated on any of the red lines. Same goes for the green hex and the green lines.

Solution code: Type the digits (no spaces) of the region containing R7C3 as follows: The digits of the region's topmost row (left to right), the digits of the region's second row (left to right), etc.

Last changed on on 10. June 2022, 00:32

Solved by Dandelo, RJBlarmo, jkuo7, CahounCZ, kublai, robals, AvonD, tubahat, polar, marcmees, Elliptical, kaylee42, Elliott810, KNT, wildbush7, Franjo, Banana, zuzanina, Jesper, flatbread, Chilly, amarins, ... ClashCode, matiasv5, rimodech, AnnaTh, misko, Jaych, Bellsita, cornuto, Uhu, dogfarts, Lavender Gooms, Vebby, zhantyzgz, StephenR, zakkai, abed hawila, Jodelbanane, AKernel, Calesch, SudokuHero
Full list


on 13. October 2023, 15:48 by StephenR
Interesting variant to spice things up a little. I got stuck at one point and then realised a different tack was the way to go.

on 12. June 2022, 06:53 by LittleBallOfPurr
Spent far too long scratching my head at the end, there's always some subtle rule I forget about. Really love this hex style, thought I would try this one out after seeing Zetamath solving your other one on stream. Many thanks, lovely puzzle!

on 10. June 2022, 00:31 by mathpesto
Provided example.

on 8. June 2022, 07:34 by KNT
while not a hard puzzle, it took a while to wrap my head around how the hex-grid worked

on 8. June 2022, 03:07 by Elliptical
That was fun. It was easier than I expected. I gave it 3 stars out of 5 for difficulty.

on 7. June 2022, 20:39 by tubahat

Last changed on 7. June 2022, 18:28

on 7. June 2022, 18:18 by wildbush7
By horizontal axis, do you mean each row?


@wildbush7 that's correct!

on 7. June 2022, 17:57 by Dandelo
@robals: What's wrong with this? It is the solution.

on 7. June 2022, 08:34 by RJBlarmo
Fun puzzle, took a bit to get started but everything resolves very nicely.

on 7. June 2022, 08:28 by Dandelo
Very nice. Not too hard, but always challenging.

Rating:93 %
Solved:48 times
Observed:8 times

Variant combination New Online solving tool Hexagonal

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