Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Trinity (6x6 Sudoku Pack)

(Published on 6. June 2022, 20:04 by Florian Wortmann)

This Sudoku pack is themed around the three constraints Sandwich, Skyscrapers and X-Sums. Two Sudokus in a regular grid, two in a regular grid where additional constraints cross the grid border, and two Chaos Constructions.

Rules and links can be found below.

The difficulty increases, not neccessarily from puzzle to puzzle, but the first three are defenitely easier than puzzles 4-6. I estimated a 3/5 as the average.

Puzzle 3 (Hot Sandwich) is inspired by Hot Court by ICHTUES.
Puzzle 6 (Chaotic Sandwich) is inspired by Chaosandwich by grkles.


(1) Skyscraper Sums
Normal 6x6 Sudoku rules. Digits in the grid represent skyscrapers of that height. Higher skyscrapers obscure smaller ones. A clue outside the grid shows the sum of all visible skyscrapers in the corresponding row/column from the clue's direction of view.

(2) Little Killer X-Sums
Normal 6x6 Sudoku rules. A clue outside the grid is both a Little Killer clue and an X-Sum clue:
- it shows the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal, which can include repeats if allowed by the other rules
- it shows the sum of the first X cells in that clue's row/column, where X is the digit in the cell nearest to the clue

(3) Hot Sandwich
Normal Sudoku rules apply to the 6x6 grid. Digits along a Thermometer increase from the bulb. Clues outside the 6x6 grid show the sum (up to 14) of the digits sandwiched between the 1 and the 6 in the corresponding row/column.

(4) Renban Skyscrapers
Normal Sudoku rules apply to the 6x6 grid. Each purple line contains a sequence of non-repeating consecutive digits, which can be in any order. Digits in the 6x6 grid represent skyscrapers of that height. Higher skyscrapers obscure smaller ones. Clues outside the 6x6 grid show the number of visible skyscrapers in the corresponding row/column from the clue's direction of view.

(5) Chaotic X-Sums
Irregular 6x6 Sudoku rules apply and the regions must be determined. A region is an orthogonally connected group of 6 cells that contains the digits 1-6. Clues outside the grid show the sum of the first X cells in the corresponding row/column, where X is the digit in the cell nearest to the clue. In addition, the first X cells in this row/column are in the same region, and the X+1th cell is in a different region.

(6) Chaotic Sandwich
Irregular 6x6 Sudoku rules apply and the regions must be determined. A region is an orthogonally connected group of 6 cells that contains the digits 1-6. A clue outside the grid gives the sum of the digits sandwiched between the nearest and the farthest region border in that row/column. A row/column with a clue must therefore contain at least two region borders. The edge of the grid does not count as a region border. (The above-linked "Chaosandwich" by grkles contains a 4x4 example.)


Skyscraper Sums -- Little Killer X-Sums -- Hot Sandwich -- Renban Skyscrapers -- Chaotic X-Sums -- Chaotic Sandwich

Skyscraper Sums -- Little Killer X-Sums -- Hot Sandwich -- Renban Skyscrapers -- Chaotic X-Sums -- Chaotic Sandwich

Skyscraper Sums -- Little Killer X-Sums -- Hot Sandwich -- Renban Skyscrapers -- Chaotic X-Sums -- Chaotic Sandwich

I recommend penpa+ for puzzles 3 and 4. Answer check is for numbers inside and outside the grid. (And for puzzles 5 and 6 also on edges.)

In the ctc-app, make sure to turn off the conflict checker for puzzles 3-6.

Have fun solving!

Solution code: row 3 of each 6x6 grid (puzzles 1-6 in order, 36 digits)

Solved by Steven R, marcmees, jkuo7, Vebby, 85392, mackant1, abed hawila, peterkp, glum_hippo, SuWi, Playmaker6174, DetroitPiston, farodin64, AvonD, zuzanina, SimonLover, Vivian Huang, Jaych, ManuH, Statistica, Uhu, misko, KNT, Leonard Hal, h5663454, by81996672, 999ARMEN999, dennischen, morgannamodeaura, tuturitu, MicroStudy, LeppyR64, Frutlop, Sewerin, geswat, Mitsunari, lerroyy, KlausRG, molson
Full list


Last changed on 8. June 2023, 19:22

on 8. June 2023, 14:54 by MicroStudy
i had to make time for this after solving the duality pack, and i have to say, renban skyscrapers is the most fun i've ever had struggling on a 6x6
Thank you! Maybe I should put that one in zeta's 6x6s :-D

Last changed on 23. March 2023, 00:02

on 22. March 2023, 23:11 by dennischen
The Renban and Chaotic sandwich puzzles were quite hard. Thanks for this amazing pack!
Thank you so much for solving! Yes, those two are certainly the hardest puzzles of the pack but I hope they were enjoyable nonetheless :-)

Last changed on 16. December 2022, 23:27

on 16. December 2022, 14:27 by h5663454
Very friendly sudoku pack, the path to solve the puzzle is very clear and smooth!
They also calmed my bad mood today, thank you!
Thanks, glad you enjoyed this pack :-)

Last changed on 29. November 2022, 01:16

on 29. November 2022, 00:29 by KNT
awesome collection of puzzles :)

I particularly enjoyed the sandwich CC at the end
Thank you :-)

Last changed on 17. June 2022, 22:40

on 17. June 2022, 20:18 by farodin64
Many thanks for presenting this very nice pack! Lot of fun with any of the 6 puzzles.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed them :-)

Last changed on 11. June 2022, 19:37

on 11. June 2022, 19:17 by Playmaker6174
Lovely and fun pack! Quite surprisingly, the Renban Skyscrapers one took me the most time since I broke it once and didn't know why in 15 mins, but after that the C.Cs were smooth and tasty as well :}
Thank you for the solve :-)

Last changed on 11. June 2022, 12:57

on 11. June 2022, 07:49 by glum_hippo
Not too hard if one is careful. But I didn't bring my fine brushes, just a big paint roller... so it took me a bit longer than it should have. Nice puzzles!
Haha yes, there are some sneaky spots ;-) Thanks for solving!

Last changed on 8. June 2022, 13:31

on 8. June 2022, 09:16 by abed hawila
Very enjoyable pack!
Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed :-)

Last changed on 7. June 2022, 20:57

on 7. June 2022, 17:57 by Vebby
Lovely pack! Thanks Florian :)
Thank you :-))

Last changed on 7. June 2022, 13:06

on 7. June 2022, 08:25 by marcmees
nice one. thanks
thank you for solving :-)

Rating:98 %
Solved:39 times
Observed:14 times

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