Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 2. June 2022, 13:46 by Jay Dyer)

This is my second region sums deconstruction puzzle. The last one had quite a few short lines in it. This one has... well, you can see.


  • Deconstruction: Contained within the grid are nine non-overlapping 3x3 square regions, which must be located. Each region contains the digits 1-9 once each such that no digit repeats in any row or column. Cells outside regions do not contain digits.
  • Region sums: Along the line, each time the line passes through a region, the sum of the digits on that pass sum to the same value. If the line passes through a region multiple times, each pass is summed separately.

Solve in f-puzzles, CTC, or Penpa+.

Solution code: Row 10 followed by column 9 (use X for empty cells)

Solved by Niverio, purpl, DVFrank, Tilberg, Myxo, Mr.Menace, glum_hippo, polar, KNT, crispy16, jkuo7, Christounet, PjotrV, rmn, Franjo, laky, FlowJo, Steven R, cdwg2000, Snookerfan, Jesper, Garford, hepcecob, ... BlacknWhite, DarthParadox, Mikemerin, Brodie2000, Justalilguy, chien2000gl, aqjhs, SXH, Krisonium, TheNineElements, han233ing, Swiddow, Visumation, fgng, Tommymanners, umbral sudoku, steeto
Full list


on 20. November 2023, 02:51 by zzw
Tons of fun the whole way through! It was a bit easier and smoother than I expected from the comments. And of course, an incredible construction!

on 29. October 2023, 19:31 by Piatato
Very clever construction, and I must say that it's really about time that I finally got around to solving this great classic!

on 7. April 2023, 10:24 by Yann
The boss of lines !
What an incredible puzzle it was, I loved the disambiguation.
Thanks for sharing this impressive sudoku.
PS Do I have to ask you permission to set a puzzle inspired by this one ?

on 20. November 2022, 16:26 by meixia
I thought I had seen many puzzles which appear impossible, but this one tops the list! Very impressive.

on 21. October 2022, 16:21 by Vebby
Astonishing! Some big-brain construction to achieve this. Great logic throughout. Thanks Jay!

on 17. October 2022, 19:12 by twototenth
Madness. (Is that you for setting it, or me for solving it? Yes.)

Last changed on 25. June 2022, 02:20

on 25. June 2022, 02:20 by SHERAX
Started watching CTC-solve on YouTube. paused it Solved it and continued watching. Looked Simon had more trouble solving this one than i did. Very colorful result at the end. More colors is better……Lovely…The single line is GENIUS.

on 18. June 2022, 04:06 by OGRussHood
Another "mad as a box of frogs" puzzle.

Last changed on 17. June 2022, 01:11

on 17. June 2022, 01:10 by SimplePurpleFrog
Wow, hard, but I loved it from start to finish.
Great logic and very basic maths, just as I like it.

on 16. June 2022, 20:40 by Crusader175
Mind-blowing puzzle!

on 9. June 2022, 21:09 by henrypijames
Reminds me very much of The River by Jakhob and wooferzfg (#9EZ) - one single equal sum line that runs through most of the grid, and of course [SPOILER REDACTED]. :D

on 8. June 2022, 00:07 by tallcat
I am astonished both at the fact that this puzzle was constructed and is solvable, but also at the fact that I managed to solve it (as it's far out of my usual wheelhouse). Astonishing!

on 7. June 2022, 10:16 by kolot
This is complete madness! How on earth did you set this puzzle?! Wonderful job!

on 7. June 2022, 04:34 by Agent
It is incredible that this puzzle exists.

on 6. June 2022, 23:16 by wenchang
Hard and enjoyable.

on 5. June 2022, 21:39 by hepcecob
Anyone saying that the solve, following figuring out the regions, is in any way tedious, or requires 256 colors to solve, are just wrong. There is a very nice, logical path.

Last changed on 4. June 2022, 20:24

on 4. June 2022, 20:20 by Snookerfan
Wow, what a fantastic puzzle! It was really hard, but so satisfying. I wonder how you great setters are able to keep coming up with these miracles.

on 3. June 2022, 10:47 by Christounet
What a treat ! I think I'd need Bob Ross color palet to solve that kind of puzzle... Amazing construction of the line. I wonder how many lines you may have tried before you found the one that fits. Very well done and thanks !

on 3. June 2022, 03:49 by crispy16
I needed a little prompting to figure out how to get started, but once I did it was a wonderful solve.

Just fantastic.

on 2. June 2022, 21:30 by glum_hippo
The only shape I can make out in the puzzle is a hippo. But I'm glad I solved it, either way

on 2. June 2022, 20:43 by Mr.Menace
What a construction. No easy feat, but very cool idea and brilliant execution! Thanks Jay

on 2. June 2022, 17:17 by Tilberg
@purpl: To the right, there is a phoenix, rising from Arizona.

on 2. June 2022, 16:52 by DVFrank
Absolutely loved it! :^)

on 2. June 2022, 15:37 by purpl
Wowie! What an absolute masterpiece of a puzzle and that line is like some kind of Rorschach test :D what do you see? I see a boot, a kite, a penguin, a sphynix, and the easter island heads!

on 2. June 2022, 13:51 by Niverio
Miraculous. Testing this was an absolute joy. The mid solve is absolutely brutal, but it's already astonishing that such a puzzle can have a unique solution. Take a bow Jay, this one is for the Sudoku museum.

Rating:99 %
Solved:143 times
Observed:12 times

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