Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

10,000 Cheers (and Whispers)

(Published on 1. June 2022, 00:33 by mathpesto)

This puzzle is to celebrate Rangsk reaching 10,000 subscribers on YouTube! Comments and ratings are much appreciated, and please be sure to check out my other puzzles here.


Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits in a cage sum to the given total.

Whispers: Adjacent digits on a green line differ by 5 or more.

Cheers: Adjacent digits on an orange line differ by 5 or less.

Solve on SudokuPad

Solve on F-Puzzles


Solution code: Row 9, Column 5 (18 digits, no spaces)

Last changed on on 3. June 2022, 12:31

Solved by BenceJoful, mnasti2, john9, jkuo7, henter, zuzanina, sayuri17, AN_not_IO, SKORP17, me0815, kublai, dumediat, wisty, mobiustrip, AvonD, chain.reader, helpicantstopbirding, kaylee42, unterwasserboot, Austin, Mody, Julianl, by81996672, ManuH, HelloKetene, Uhu, Bellsita, lovely, OGRussHood, Vebby, dogfarts, zhantyzgz, Counterfeitly, P12345, trashghost, SudokuHero, susadoraku, karen_birgitta
Full list


on 3. June 2022, 12:31 by mathpesto
Updated puzzle to include given 5

on 2. June 2022, 04:31 by dumediat
Very nice puzzle, thank you for sharing and congrats to Rangsk!

on 1. June 2022, 02:53 by BenceJoful
Quite an interesting puzzle, and Congrats to Rangsk!

Rating:86 %
Solved:38 times
Observed:7 times

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